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The Ancient Greeks man named Phillipo Antasios . He discovered it when he cut one tree .

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Q: Which ancient civilization invented paper gunpowder and silk-making?
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What civilization is responsible for creating Gunpowder?

Ancient Chinese

How long has gunpowder been in use?

Gunpowder was invented by the Ancient Chinese. Gunpowder came to Europe in the 1260s.

Which ancient civilization inveted paper gunpowder and silk-making?


Did the Romans use gunpowder?

Ancient Romans did not use gunpowder. Gunpowder was invented by China around the middle ages.

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the ancient Chinese civilization invented it

Which ancient civilization invented paper gunpowder and silk making?

As far as i know thr chinese they made the silk industry according to history justinian 1 end its monopoly

When was gunpowder invented by ancient China?

Probable near the year 800.

When was ancient China gunpowder invented?

Probable near the year 800.

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Why was Ancient China important?

Ancient China discovered and invented many things, such as gunpowder, fireworks, and paper.

What were the uses for gunpowder when it was just invented in ancient china?

Gunpower was used for fireworks until guns were invented.