it was used in the Canterbury Tales and in English translations of greek epics
Documents that were written in the past
The President and The Government have different powers.
This question can not be answered. We don't know the choices given in your book/worksheet / test.
Manchester United, Chelsea, and Arsenal are the best 3 teams in the history of the Premiership. These teams combine for 18 of the last 19 championships.
Nationalism is the term that best describes a country formed on shared culture, language and history.
A stanza containging two lines
To answer this question we would need a list of answer choices. In a couplet the stanzas have four line that have an abab rhyme.
A Spenserian sonnet consists of 14 lines written in iambic pentameter. It follows a rhyme scheme of ABAB BCBC CDCD EE, where the final couplet (EE) provides a resolution or twist to the preceding quatrains. This form was popularized by the poet Edmund Spenser.
Understanding how history has affected the lives of people today. apex 1.1.2
History of the World
By playing.. ;)
He was the first non-white male to be elected president.
He was the first non-white male to be elected president.
Each couplet in a dichotomous key presents a choice between two contrasting characteristics. The user must select the characteristic that best matches the specimen being identified in order to proceed to the next couplet.
A paragraph that explains the ideas that two texts share. (apex)
There are a number of synonyms for 'see' but the word that explains in best is perceive.
A struggles for the defense of Islam