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It was the third estate which is also the commoners.

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Q: Which estates formed the largest and poorest class in French society?
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Under the Estates SystemStructure which social group had the highest status in French Society?

Under the Estates System/Structure, which social group had the highest status in French Society

What is the estates general?

The Estates-General (or States-General) of 1789 (French: Les États-Généraux de 1789) was the first meeting since 1614 of the French Estates-General, a general assembly consisting of representatives from all but the poorest segment of the French citizenry. The independence from the Crown which it displayed paved the way for the French Revolution.

Did the estates exist after the French Revolution?

No. The revolution created a classless society (In theory at least).

Who were the french revolting against?

The lower class of the French society, known as the estates-general revolted against the upper-class French nobility.

How was the french society in the 18th century?

the french society was divided into 3 parts the 1st 2nd and 3rd estate .the first and the second estates didn't had to pay taxes the third had to.................

What groups in French society at the beginning of the French Revolution was the largest?

The Third Estate

Did the french revolution get rid of the three estates?

i think The third estate is the common people, the largest group of people in France, difficult to get rid of them. On June 17, 1789, the Third Estate began the French Revolution. The formation of the National Constituent Assembly marked the end of the Estates-General, but not of the three estates.

What estates comprised the Estates-General?

The Estates-General (or States-General) of 1789 (French: Les États-Généraux de 1789) was the first meeting since 1614 of the French Estates-General, a general assembly consisting of representatives from all but the poorest segment of the French citizenry. The independence from the Crown which it displayed paved the way for the French Revolution.

What role did the estates general play in triggering the french revolution?

The society was classified into 3 estates. 1st and 2nd estates were rich . 2nd estate people were loyal to King. the 3rd estate contained the poor like Merchants, cobbler's etc.,

How did the ancient regime divide up french society?

It's often described as three Estates: nobility, clergy, and everyone else.

What do the divisions between the three estates reflect about the French society?

that there were many different levels of people. this shows how much money people had and how wealthy they were.

How was french society divided hierarchically in the old regime?

the french society in the old regime was divided into three they were the ; *clergy as first estate *nobles as second estate *commoners as third estate