the house of commons and the house of lords
The House of Commons is sometimes referred to as simply the Commons, the Lower House, and during debates of the House of Lords (or the Canadian Senate), it can be referred to as "the other place" (since members of the Lords and Senate are not supposed to debate the conduct of the House of Commons).
The upper house of Congress is the Senate. It is equivalent to the House of Lords.
The House of Lords is more powerful than the House of Commons
Since 1902, all British Prime Ministers have been members of the House of Commons as opposed to the House of Lords. As Winston Churchill was Prime Minister post 1902, he was a member of the House of Commons, not the House of Lords.
In Britain, they are the House of Lords and the House of Commons. In Canada, they are the Senate and the House of Commons.
House of Commons, House of Lords Dail, Senate House of Commons, Senate
House of Commons, House of Lords Dail, Senate House of Commons, Senate
The House of Representatives and the Senate
In the United States: Lower house: House of Representatives Upper house: Senate In the U.K. Lower House: House of Commons Upper House: House of Lords
Congress is divided into two houses, including the Senate and the House of Representatives.
The legislative branch of many governments has two houses. In the US, they are the Senate and the House of Representatives. In the UK, they are the House of Lords and the House of Commons. In Mexico they are the Senado (Senate) and the Camara de Diputados (House of Delegates/Representatives).
2: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The US Congrerss is bicameral (meaning two bodies), with a House of Representatives and a Senate. Australia's Parliament has a House of Representatives and a Senate. Canada's Parliament has a House of Commons and a Senate. France's Parliament has a National Assembly and a Senate. Germany has a Bundestag and Bundesrat. India's Parliament has a House of the People and a Council of States. The UK has a House of Commons and a House of Lords. Forty-nine of the US States are bicameral. Only Nebraska has a unicameral legislature.
The house of lords and the house of commons.There is the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
Two assemblies. The word "bicameral" means two rooms. Bicameral legislatures include Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) in the United States and Parliament (House of Commons and House of Lords) in Britain.
The only other name for the House of Representatives is the "Lower House" of Parliament.
In the UK, these are the House of Commons (elected members) and the upper chamber is called the House of Lord's (unelected members).