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Which of the following events could possibly have been a cause of Spanish troops conquering the Inca capital Cusco.

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Q: Which of the following events could possibly have been a cause of Spanish troops conquering the Inca capital Cusco.?
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Lima is the capital and the largest city of Peru. Lima was the capital and most important city in the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru. Following the Peruvian War of Independence, it became the capital of the Republic of Peru.

How do you say 'the capital of' in Spanish?

In Spanish it is is "La capital de...".This is a dual meaning word in Spanish depending on the gender. El capital refers to investment money. La capital is a capital city.

What city became the capital of the viceroyalty of Peru?

Lima is the capital and the largest city of Peru. Lima was the capital and most important city in the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru. Following the Peruvian War of Independence, it became the capital of the Republic of Peru.

List all the Spanish the Spanish speaking countries in the world?

There are only 21 countries with Spanish as their official language and they are: Argentina Capital: Buenos Aires Inhabitants: 39.921.836 Spanish speakers: 39.000.000Bolivia Capital: Sucre Inhabitants: 9.119.152 Spanish speakers: 8.700.000 Chile Capital: Santiago de Chile Inhabitants: 16.598.074 Spanish speakers: 13.400.000 Colombia Capital: Bogotá Inhabitants: 44.050.000 Spanish speakers: 42.300.000 Costa Rica Capital: San José Inhabitants: 4.133.880 Spanish speakers: 4.000.000 Cuba Capital: Havana Inhabitants: 11.382.820 Spanish speakers: 11.350.000 Dominican Republic Capital: Sto. Domingo Inhabitants: 9.183.984 Spanish speakers: 8.900.000 Ecuador Capital: Quito Inhabitants: 13.810.000 Spanish speakers: 13.200.000 El Salvador Capital: San Salvador Inhabitants: 6.948.073 Spanish speakers: 6.700.000 Equatorial Guinea Capital: Malabo Inhabitants: 535.881 Spanish speakers: 440.000 Guatemala Capital: Guatemala Inhabitants: 13.000.000 Spanish speakers: 9.000.000 Honduras Capital: Tegucigalpa Inhabitants: 7.483.763 Spanish speakers: 7.000.000 Mexico Capital: México Distrito Federal Inhabitants: 108.700.891 Spanish speakers: 101.000.000 Nicaragua Capital: Managua Inhabitants: 5.603.000 Spanish speakers: 5.400.000 Panama Capital: Panama Inhabitants: 3.320.000 Spanish speakers: 3.200.000 Paraguay Capital: Asunción Inhabitants: 6.158.000 Spanish speakers: 6.000.000 Peru Capital: Lima Inhabitants: 28.674.757 Spanish speakers: 26.000.000 Puerto Rico Capital: San Juan Inhabitants: 3.946.600 Spanish speakers: 3.900.000 Spain Capital: Madrid Inhabitants: 42.700.000 Spanish speakers: 35.000.000 Uruguay Capital: Montevideo Inhabitants: 3.396.000 Spanish speakers: 3.350.000 Venezuela Capital: Caracas Inhabitants: 27.730.469 Spanish speakers: 26.000.000 There are only 21 countries with Spanish as their official language and they are: Argentina Capital: Buenos Aires Inhabitants: 39.921.836 Spanish speakers: 39.000.000Bolivia Capital: Sucre Inhabitants: 9.119.152 Spanish speakers: 8.700.000 Chile Capital: Santiago de Chile Inhabitants: 16.598.074 Spanish speakers: 13.400.000 Colombia Capital: Bogotá Inhabitants: 44.050.000 Spanish speakers: 42.300.000 Costa Rica Capital: San José Inhabitants: 4.133.880 Spanish speakers: 4.000.000 Cuba Capital: Havana Inhabitants: 11.382.820 Spanish speakers: 11.350.000 Dominican Republic Capital: Sto. Domingo Inhabitants: 9.183.984 Spanish speakers: 8.900.000 Ecuador Capital: Quito Inhabitants: 13.810.000 Spanish speakers: 13.200.000 El Salvador Capital: San Salvador Inhabitants: 6.948.073 Spanish speakers: 6.700.000 Equatorial Guinea Capital: Malabo Inhabitants: 535.881 Spanish speakers: 440.000 Guatemala Capital: Guatemala Inhabitants: 13.000.000 Spanish speakers: 9.000.000 Honduras Capital: Tegucigalpa Inhabitants: 7.483.763 Spanish speakers: 7.000.000 Mexico Capital: México Distrito Federal Inhabitants: 108.700.891 Spanish speakers: 101.000.000 Nicaragua Capital: Managua Inhabitants: 5.603.000 Spanish speakers: 5.400.000 Panama Capital: Panama Inhabitants: 3.320.000 Spanish speakers: 3.200.000 Paraguay Capital: Asunción Inhabitants: 6.158.000 Spanish speakers: 6.000.000 Peru Capital: Lima Inhabitants: 28.674.757 Spanish speakers: 26.000.000 Puerto Rico Capital: San Juan Inhabitants: 3.946.600 Spanish speakers: 3.900.000 Spain Capital: Madrid Inhabitants: 42.700.000 Spanish speakers: 35.000.000 Uruguay Capital: Montevideo Inhabitants: 3.396.000 Spanish speakers: 3.350.000 Venezuela Capital: Caracas Inhabitants: 27.730.469 Spanish speakers: 26.000.000

How do you spell capital in spanish?

Translation: capital

What is the Spanish capital of Honduras?

The capital of Honduras is Tegucigalpa. However, the original Spanish capital used to be Trujilio and later Gracias.

What is the capital of Peru as pronounced in spanish?

Lima (Spanish: Peruanos) is the capital and the largest city of Peru.

What was the capital of Spain in 1914?

Tetouan was the capital of Spanish Morocco at that time. (The Spanish spelling is Tetuán.)

What did Francisco Pizarro explorer find?

Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who is best known for conquering the Inca Empire in Peru. He found a civilization rich in gold and silver, including the legendary city of Cuzco, which became the capital of the new Spanish colony. Pizarro's conquest led to the fall of the Inca Empire and the establishment of Spanish rule in the region.

How do say capital city in spanish?

Ciudad capital.