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No-one, strangely enough, and certainly not only the so-called "Third Estate". The nobility was subject to the King and often more or less forced to live at Court if it wanted to stand any chance of preferment or appointment to good positions. Officially they did not have to pay taxes, but instead they were expected to pay 'voluntary contributions' to the State that suspiciously looked like taxes, if only because the Treasury carefully saw to it that it was paid to the last penny every year.

The clergy also was expected to pay carefully monitored 'voluntary contributions' which made their freedom from taxes an empty letter. The large majority consisted of village priests, as poor as the villagers they served. The 'Princes of the Church", Bishops and Cardinals, lived comfortably but always had to balance their loyalty and obedience to King and Pope.

The 'Third Estate" included everybody else in France, from beggars and poor peasants to wealthy and powerful citizens and everything in between. Because of the enormous differences between the various groups of people within the Third Estate there were also great differences between the influence they wielded. It is often said that it was the "Third Estate" that felt disenfranchised, but that is a oversimplification. It is true that the Estates-General had not been convened by the King for some 150 years, but that meant that the nobles and clergy also had not been called up. Moreover, the Estates-General only had the task and power to grant new taxes to the king, not to participate in his government.

Basically, all the rights that you could think of were in France embodied in only one person, the King - who was personally responsible for all the decisions taken by his ministers (answerable only to him) in matters of finance and economy, war and peace, Law and Order. None of the three classes in France had any formal rights or powers to influence the King's rule or decisions. The fact that it was the Third Estate who finally rose against the King was not caused by their extra-subordinated position, but because they simply represented 99% of France's population. And, because the King's ministers had made a total mess of France's economy and finances, which mostly hurt the upper, wealthier classes of the Third Estate.

So the French Revolution did not start as an uprising of underprivileged masses against their disenfranchisement. It started as a protest of the upper middle class citizens against decades of economic and financial mismanagement by the King's ministers.

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Q: Which people in France still were not equal despite the declaration?
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What does men are born and remain free and equal in rights mean?

This the first article and basic tenet of the The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen as adopted by the National Assembly of France on August 26, 1789. As with the Declaration of Independence and its "unalienable rights", it means that all people have a natural right to be free and share equal status under law.

The Edict of Nantes guaranteed freedom to the of France?

The Edict Of Nantes, put into place by France in 1598 gave equal rights to all Protestants living in France (which was a heavily Catholic country). The declaration of the edict signaled the end of years of religious wars that had been waged by France during much of the 16th century.

Olympe de Gouges wrote a Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen in 1791 declaring that women were also citizens and should have rights equal to those of men. She was then what?

Olympe de Gouges wrote a "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen" in 1791, declaring that women were also citizens and should have rights equal to those of men. She was then_________________. Elected to office.

What are 4 examples of human rights?

Everyone is born free and equal Everyone has the right to work Everyone has the right to be treated equally in the eyes of the law Everyone has the right to marry < under the UN Declaration of Human Rights

The document that was crucil in changing public opinion to support independence was?

Declaration of Independence is the document that was crucial in changing public opinion to support independence. The document states that all men were created equal.

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What does men are born and remain free and equal in rights mean?

This the first article and basic tenet of the The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen as adopted by the National Assembly of France on August 26, 1789. As with the Declaration of Independence and its "unalienable rights", it means that all people have a natural right to be free and share equal status under law.

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thomas Jefferson in the declaration of independence

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What people of France did not have equal rights?

You have to precise your question.

How was the declaration of independence a response to tryanny and the abuse of power?

All people are equal.

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