

Who explored Virginia?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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James Smith

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Q: Who explored Virginia?
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Who explored Virginia and why did they explored?

because the king of england wanted more land and power

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What were some famous explorers that explored west Virginia?

John Smith

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What were some famous explorers that explored Virginia?

John Smith of Jamestown. Hes was also the leader of the Virginia Colony.

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Lewis and Clark explored the northerly land west of the Mississippi River by foot.

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The prefix of explored is ex-. This prefix means out of.

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John Smith explored the United States. He was taken prisoner by Pocahontas' tribe near the York River in 1607.

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Some authors who have explored the idea that life has no plot include Virginia Woolf, who believed in the stream-of-consciousness style to capture the randomness of life, as well as Albert Camus, who explored the concept of the absurd and how life lacks inherent meaning or purpose.

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British explorers include Henry Hudson (he tried to find the Northwest Passage); Ernest Shackleton (he explored Antarctica); Sir Francis Drake (first Englishman to sail around the world); and Sir Walter Raleigh (he explored the New World and established a colony in what became Virginia).