Gossamer Albatross was the first man-powered aircraft to cross the English Channel on 12 June 1979. It was made of carbon fibre covered by Mylar and weighed only about 220 pounds for the Channel crossing. Invented by Paul McReady and flown by Bryan Allen.
The last Ice Age. Some say 1693, but that's wishful thinking; It's not possible.
April of l9l2, somewhat oddly this successful flight overlapped with the ( Titanic) disaster occurring on April l4-l5 of that year.
In historic times, the Thames and the Rhine were the same river, and there was no English Channel. So people crossed over to England on foot, without any idea of invasion. After the English Channel started to widen, the first known invaders were the Romans, followed by the Angles and Jutes, then the Saxons. The Norman conquest of 1066 is the last officially-recognised invasion. But events after 1950, continuing to the present day, will eventually be recognised as an invasion in the full sense.
The battle of agincourt English victory over French during Hundred Years War under Henry V of England
The English monarchy has changed drastically over the centuries. In previous centuries, the king or queen ruled absolutely and had authority over the life and death of all their citizens. Currently, the English monarch is simply a figurehead. The real business of running the country happens in parliament.
When flying from England to PAris you do not fly over any ocea. You fly over the English Channel.
In 1909 Louis Blériot completed the first flight across English Channel
The flags that flew over Michigan were Spanish, French, English, and United States.
Harriet Quimby.
Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn, Apple seed and apple thorn; Wire, briar, limber lock, Three geese in a flock. One flew east, And one flew west, And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
Jean-Pierre Blanchard and John Jeffries crossed the English Channel by balloon on January 7, 1785. The journey took 2.5 hours.
Charles Lindbergh.
Depending if you mean any air flight of flight to space. First Space Shuttle was Columbia First Successful flight was over the English Channel.
Pen Island
she was 22 when she flew over the at
Over the fence flew