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James May found the source. An underground spring many miles upstream.

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Q: Who found the source of the Nile River?
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Is Egypt a desert?

no it has the river nile in ityes it is a desert so what if it has a river in it there can be water in the desert it's just how MUCH water is in the desert that counts

Is the Klondike River located in Alaska or Canada?

The Klondike River runs through Canada. It is 99 miles in length and has its source in the Ogilvie Mountains.

What did the Egyptians build to increase their production of crops?

They use the Nile river and they also built a system that makes farming the crops easier

What impact did David Livingstone have on Stanley?

Henry Morton Stanley was a journalist who was commissioned by the New York Herald to try to determine the whereabouts of missing explorer David Livingstone, somewhere in Central Africa. Stanley's eight-month search brought him to Ujiji, where he finally found Livingstone. The two traveled together for the next year or so, and when Livingstone died in 1873, Stanley continued the exploration they had done together.He spent three years measuring the lakes of Central Africa, discovered the source of the Nile River and helped to establish the area of Congo Free State, setting up nearly two dozen trading posts along the river of the Congo River Basin.Read more: What_impact_did_David_Livingstone_have_on_Henry_Morton_Stanley

What impact did David Livingstone have on Henry Morton Stanley?

Henry Morton Stanley was a journalist who was commissioned by the New York Herald to try to determine the whereabouts of missing explorer David Livingstone, somewhere in Central Africa. Stanley's eight-month search brought him to Ujiji, where he finally found Livingstone. The two traveled together for the next year or so, and when Livingstone died in 1873, Stanley continued the exploration they had done together. He spent three years measuring the lakes of Central Africa, discovered the source of the Nile River and helped to establish the area of Congo Free State, setting up nearly two dozen trading posts along the river of the Congo River Basin.

Related questions

Why does the Nile River have so many sources?

The Nile River is a river located in Africa. The Nile is most famous for the role it played in Egyptian civilization. The source of the Nile is debatable. Some people believe that the source is Lake Victoria. However, others claim the Nile comes from a variety of sources. Recently, a party of explorers found a source near Rukarara. Sources of the Nile include the Blue Nile and the White Nile.

What are two of the sources of the Nile river?

The Blue and White Nile rivers, are the source of the Nile river.

Where is the source of the river Amazon Nile?

There is no such river.

How do you get to the source of the nile river?

It would take you 33 hours and a half to complete the Nile River. (in a 20kph boat) The source of the river is the "White Nile" which connects to the "Blue Nile" and flows into the Delta as one.

What was it about the nile river that david livingstone found so interesting?

David Livingstone found the Nile River interesting due to its key role in the exploration of Africa and its importance for trade and transportation. He was also intrigued by its potential for discovering the source of the river, which was a major geographical mystery at the time. Additionally, Livingstone saw the Nile as a pathway for promoting Christianity and ending the slave trade in Africa.

What river is found north east of Africa?

River Nile

Does the Nile River start in Cairo?

No - The source of the River Nile is the confluence, near Khartoum in Sudan, of the White Nile and Blue Nile

What river is found in Egypt?

The Nile river, Blue nile, White nile, and the Sudan.

Where does the nile river begins?

Lake Tana is the source of the Blue Nile and Lake Victoria of the White Nile.

What is the holeagemer?

It is the source of the river Nile.

Who found the river nile?

james bruce,scottish explorer, found the nile river in 1770

What Wild rapids found found on the nile river?

The wild rapids found on the Nile river are called cataracts.