Sancto Cabot is John Cabot's son. He is known for being an explorer, and led three voyages of his own before going missing with his father.
this is what cabot, cartier, and hudson were lookin for
Mattea Cabot was married to explorer John Cabot. It is not known when died, or how old she was at the time. John disappeared in 1499.
Sebastian Cabot was a well known person .for when his father talked about him in vigorous speeches. jJohn Cabot father of Sebastian Cabot both had a passion for sailing and finding out all these new lands.
The discovery/rediscovery of Newfoundland is credited to his father John Cabot in 1497.
You are thinking of John Cabot.
Sancto Cabot was the son of John Cabot, leader of 3 voyages and explorer. Sancto went on the dreaded 3rd voyage with his dad; both never returned.
Ludovico, Sebastian, and Sancto[2]Ludovico, Sebastian, and Sancto[2] his children's names were Ludovico, Sebastian and Sancto
Yes, John Cabot had three children. They were Ludovico, Sebastiano, and Sancto.
Sons- Ludovico, Sebastiano, and Sancto
John Cabot had three sons named Lewis, Sebastian and Sanctus, which is the "English" for Ludovico, Sebastian, and Sancto. Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) was Italian (Genoese). A link can be found below.They were Ludovico, Sebastian and Sancto.
He had 3 sons named Ludovico,Sebastian,and Sancto.
Three Sebastian,Ludovico,Sancto
John Cabot's children were named Ludovico, Sebastian, and Sancto.
in 1477, john Cabot got married to Mattea In Venice Italy
his wife is Mattea. He had 3 sons-Sebastiano, Ludovico and the last is unknown Hey this is someone else now - up there ^ is right his wife is Mattea and he had three sons but the last on is not unknow they were: Sebastiono, Ludovico ans Sancto
no John Cabot did not have any brothers or sisters.
His wife's name was mattea