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Robert Hooke named the cell in the 17th century

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Q: Who is the 17Th century scientist that named the cell?
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Is it true all cell have cell walls?

Only plant cells have walls

How much did cell phones in the 1900s cost?

they wernt inventedyet!!! Duhhh!!!

Who is Francis T Bacon?

Francis T. Bacon perfected the hydrogen fuel cell

Why was the invention of insulin a defining moment for Canada?

I am doing a history project on this! so here is what I got ;P ! The Invention of Insulin It was in 1923 that Frederick Banting was given the Nobel Prize in Medicine. He gave some of his award money with Dr. Charles Best, His colleague. He was granted a lifetime annuity to develop his research and King George the 5th even bestowed a knighthood on him! Banting was not only Canadian but he was the lead scientist behind the invented of insulin and he is famous for it! Insulin is essential for extending the lives of many people all over the world with Diabetes and its invention was a defining moment for Canada's reputation in a science and medicine. It tells people that we as Canadians are highly educated and are willing to make great contributions for the whole world. Diabetes is a disease that is caused when the body in incapable of producing a balanced amount sugar for good health. Insulin allows glucose to enter a cell after being transferred from the bloodstream. Thanks to our Canadian Scientist those with this disease can now lead much more healthy lives!

What happened on January 6 1980?

"Telephones were first connected to the GPS system on this date " This does not answer what is clearly a spiritual question. Jesus was born again on this day. This is truth, and if you do not believe it now, you one day will. And wouldn't I love to know who and why this question was asked. ok remove your battery from your cell phone for 5 minutes.put it on again, and start your cell phone. the date that my cell phone(sony ericson live with walkman) shows is 6 january 1980 2:00 am

Related questions

Was Robert hooke ever a monk?

No, Robert Hooke was never a monk. He was a scientist, inventor, and architect who lived in the 17th century and is best known for his work in microscopy and for coining the term "cell" in biology.

When was the sex cell discovered?

The discovery of the sex cell, or sperm cell, is credited to the Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in the late 17th century. He used a simple microscope to observe sperm cells for the first time in 1677.

Name of the English scientist who is created for coming up with the term cell?

The English scientist who is credited with coming up with the term "cell" is Robert Hooke. Hooke coined the term in the 17th century while observing cork cells under a microscope. His work laid the foundation for the field of cell biology.

Who was the scientist who first saw cells and names them?

The scientist who first observed cells was Robert Hooke. He observed cells in a piece of cork under a microscope in the 17th century and coined the term "cell" to describe the small compartments he saw.

When was the cell division theory published?

The cell theory was published during the mid-17th century.

What organelle was named after the Italian scientist who first identified it?

The Golgi apparatus was named after the Italian scientist Camillo Golgi, who first identified its structure in the late 19th century. The Golgi apparatus is a cellular organelle responsible for processing, modifying, and packaging proteins for transport within the cell or secretion outside the cell.

English scientist who first saw little boxes?

Robert Hooke, an English scientist, is credited with first observing and describing "little boxes" or cells in cork under a microscope in the 17th century. This discovery marked the beginning of the field of cell biology.

Who was the first person to see cell?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

Scientist who first described cells?

The scientist who first described cells was Robert Hooke in the 17th century. In 1665, he observed compartments in cork under a microscope and likened them to the cells (Latin word for "small room") of a monastery. This discovery laid the foundation for the field of cell biology.

Who are the scientist who contributed the study of cell?

Scientists who have made significant contributions to the study of cells include Robert Hooke, who first observed cells under a microscope in the 17th century; Matthias Schleiden, who proposed that all plants are composed of cells in the 19th century; and Theodor Schwann, who extended this idea to animals, formulating the cell theory.

What did hooke contribute to the cell story?

Robert Hooke is attributed with observing the first cells in the 17th century. He named them cells because they reminded him of the rooms that monks lived in inside a monastery, which were called cells.

What did Robert Hooke do for a living?

Robert Hooke was a scientist, inventor, and architect. He is best known for his work in physics, biology, and astronomy, and he made significant contributions to various fields of science during the 17th century.