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In India, the Prime Minister is the Head of Government and the Chief of State is the President. The Prime Minister leads the executive branch of government.

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India is a Democratic Republic headed by the President

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Q: Who is the head government of India?
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What title is given to the head of government in India?

The Prime Minister is the head of government in India. The Prime Minister leads the executive branch of the Government of India.

Who was elected head of government in India in 1966?

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Dr. Manmohan singh is prime minister of india. Saurabh7275733721

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States doesn't have their own presidents. In India , head of any state is the governor & head of people government is the chief minister

Who is India's head of state?

The President of India is the head of state of the Republic of India

What countries has the distinction of having first women prime minister India Israel sri lanka and uk?

Sri Lanka in 1960. However, it should be noted that in India, Israel, and the UK, the Prime Minister is the Head of the Government whereas in Sri Lanka it is only the head of the Cabinet and subservient to the President of Sri Lanka. India had the first woman Prime Minister who was actually head of the government, Indira Gandhi, in 1966.