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No vice president in Canada.

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Canada doesn't have one.

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Q: Who is the vice president of Canada?
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What are the name of president and vice president of Canada?

The president of the United States is Trump and the United States doesn't have prime ministers . Several nations do have prime ministers, but we need the name of the country to tell his/her name.

What is the president's position within the executive branch?

* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president

Who is the second ranking member of the executive branch?

Vice President

If the president can no longer serve who can be president?

vice president until presidents term is up.

How is the vice-president elected?

The vice president is selected by the canidates and if they win the vice president they chose becomes vice president.

What is the vice president is the president of what?

The Vice President is the President of the Senate.

Who is the president elected with?

vice president

What is the second in line of succession to the presidency?

vice president

What is a Group Vice President?

In USA executive ranks, a Group Vice President is at the same level as an Executive Vice President. A Group Vice President ranks above a Senior Vice President and a Vice President, and will typically have multiple Senior Vice Presidents and/or Vice Presidents reporting to them.

The president of the Senate is the vice president who is in office at that time.?

the vice president duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the vice president duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

How does the vice president become president?

a vice president becomes president when the president passes away Example: Vice President President President passes away Vice President becomes President (and it has been done before)

If the president dies the vice-president?

The vice-president becomes the president.