It is connected through trade and Britain used to own the whole of India
India was involved in war with Britain for independence. The first war of independence took place in 1857. India was involved in other wars with Britain afterwards.
Anglicize India.
Britain gave India its independence in 1948, so there is now no British India.
clothing from Britain
britain helped india for sucking
India is bigger than Britain by a mile
Britain has still contact with India. It is not bad to have them.
India was occupied by Britian.
As occupants of India
because great Britain is England and maybe the news reporter was in favor of the other team or heard it from a unreliable source.
It is connected through trade and Britain used to own the whole of India
India was involved in war with Britain for independence. The first war of independence took place in 1857. India was involved in other wars with Britain afterwards.
India got invovled when Britain got involved, seeing as it was Britain's colony.
pakestan india
bhaghat singh did of course, & he was my great great grandfather