It was the revolt to free the prisoners of Bastille a prison and a place where weapons were kept, weapons they used to continue on with revolution. They freed Bastille because the prisoners weren't given a fair trial.
The French Revolution began because France's government was still a fuedalism. This means that their were three ranks, and the peasents and working/middle class were extremely misstreated. The Aristocracy, or high class, felt that the third class were nothing but insects, and therefore treated them as so.
Also, the middle and lower classes had to pay huge amounts of taxes which the upper class did not have to pay. On top of this, the king at the time, Louis XVI, did not regulate the money of the government well, and therefore the government went bankrupt. There was very little money in France, and the only people who had it was the upper class. The lower class was therefore starving and received no help from the king or the Aristocracy.
The French Revolution was started because of this, and it involved the lower class rising up and killing the King and Queen of France to hopefully do what America had done, and create a government in which everyone had freedoms and liberty.
The lower class, higer taxed citizens of France rebelled and overthrew the government. They were treated very unfairly and often inhumanely because of the class system of feudalism in France at the time.
The following are 3 causes in which led up to the French Revolution:
. The 3 estates were unfair, especially to the 3rd estate. They had no say in the Estates General, so the people of the 3rd Estate, made up of peasants, bourgeoisie and proletariat, were resentful
. France was in deep debt at the time and the people were starving while the king and queen ignored it all.
. The age of Enlightenment also led up to the French Revolution. It influenced new thinking and ideas
The French Revolution began because the people were barely able to eat because the food prices were high, the economy was horrible, their king and queen were young and had no clue what to do and what was going on, and the people of France saw how successful the American Revolution was and they wanted a democracy.
The main thing that started the French revolution was the transition of power. This is a time when France changed from a monarchy to a people's republic and then went into Dictatorship under Napoleon.
As far as I'm aware, The French Revolution was started by the French, not by George Washington, who was and had been the only US President at the time of the French Revolution. Unless the Americans have built a time machine.
I think that the french revolution begin in Paris and which started with the storm of Bastille.
It ended in 1799 (the revolution started in 1789).
The Third Estate.
The French Revolution started in 1789 and ended in 1799, so it was about ten years.
The French Revolution began in Paris in 1789.
The French revolution formally started in 1789
In 1789
The French Revolution wasn't started by a president. At that time (in the 18th century) France was a monarchy (and thus had a King and Queen) and the lower and middle class society started the revolution.
As far as I'm aware, The French Revolution was started by the French, not by George Washington, who was and had been the only US President at the time of the French Revolution. Unless the Americans have built a time machine.
I think that the french revolution begin in Paris and which started with the storm of Bastille.
The french revolution started in 1789 but the monarchy ended only 1792. In the meantime, Louis XVI was still king of France (with limited powers).
It ended in 1799 (the revolution started in 1789).
The Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789 marks the beginning of the French Revolution.
The French Revolution started in 1789 and ended in 1799, so it was about ten years.
The Third Estate.