WW1 had 37 million 21 million wounded and 16 million dead(they count wounded as casualties)WW2 is said to be anywhere from 50-70 million you can add them yourself.
Matthew Norman
i would have said no. but in the yin yang the black is on the left and white is on the right
I'm not sure but i think it was Malcom X or J.F Kenedy... one of them but i believe its Malcom.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) The quote is from the first line of the first chapter of book 1 of "The Social Contract" (1762).
=An arrow tip for shooting wooden targets with an archery arrow and retrieving said arrow and said arrow tip from said wooden target. The arrow tip having, a penetrating point forward of, a cylindrical shank forward or aft of, a circular cutting edge forward or aft of, a left-handed extraction thread forward of, a post extraction tip removal hole forward of, a circular curing edge as large or larger than an arrow shaft. The arrow tip is removed by rotating and pulling same.=
Calpurnia said this line in "To Kill a Mockingbird." She was expressing her frustration with the justice system and how black men were not given the same opportunities as white men.
Shipbuilders Magazine said that the Olympic-Class vessels were "practically unsinkable" but they were deriving almost all their material verbatim from White Star Line publications.
reacting to form
It was said that it occured near Pine Ridge South Dakota.
It means not very straight at all...as rainbows are curved... Edit by SOMEONE - In litteral meaning, it means that the line or whatever is curved, or not straight at all. In slang meaning, which is what your probably asking, if you call someone as straight as a rainbow, it means they're homosexual.
lamb of god
It was most likely a marketing promotion used by White Star Line to promote the ship and sell tickets.
The phrase "took an arrow to the knee" is a reference to a line from the video game Skyrim where NPCs mention that they used to be adventurers until they "took an arrow to the knee," implying they suffered a career-ending injury. It is now often used humorously to indicate someone has given up on their adventurous pursuits or experienced a setback in life.
Grumpy and he said "how do you do what"
A green one? Maybe, but I had hoped that people would grasp the concept that I had said "type" as in the model. Not to be confused with "color"