

Who took over the bantu?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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16y ago

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Modernization / Civilization / Europe etc.

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Q: Who took over the bantu?
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What was the effect of the Bantu population?

There were many changes that took place due to the Bantu population movement. One of the effects that took place was the advancements in agriculture due to the increase in knowledge and technology.

Is Bantu a kush or christian ruler?

There is not a ruler called Bantu. Bantu refers to the Bantu peoples; that id the over 400 peoples of Africa speak a Bantu language and the group of 250 mutually intelligible Bantu languages and 535 dialects.

What was one effect of Bantu population movements?

There were many changes that took place due to the Bantu population movement. One of the effects that took place was the advancements in agriculture due to the increase in knowledge and technology.

What was one effects of the Bantu population movements?

There were many changes that took place due to the Bantu population movement. One of the effects that took place was the advancements in agriculture due to the increase in knowledge and technology.

Where are the bantu found?

The Bantu were the majority of black peoples from central and southern Africa. There were many different tribes and over 200 languages.

What evidence would you use to determin the bantu migration was fast or slow?

It took the Bantu about two thousand years to move through the equatorial forests both to the east and to the south.

What evidence would you use to determine if the bantu migration was fast or slow?

It took the Bantu about two thousand years to move through the equatorial forests both to the east and to the south.

When great Britain took over south Africa which African group fought that expasion?

Notably the Zulu. However, at the time of British conquest, much of South Africa was empty of people and it must be noted that Zulu also "took over" when they arrived (as part of the Bantu migrations). Who is "Taking over" is a matter of the perspective of the person teaching you history.

What is the language of Bantu?

Bantu is not a single language but a group of over 500 closely related languages spoken in Africa. These languages belong to the Bantu language family, which is one of the largest language families on the continent.

What are Bantu languages?

Bantu languages are a group of over 500 closely related languages spoken by Bantu peoples across a large region of Africa. These languages are known for their common linguistic characteristics and shared historical origins. The Bantu language family is one of the largest and most diverse language groups in Africa.

Is bantu ethnic group?

Bantu is not an ethnic group. This is a name that is given to over 500 ethnic groups that are believed to have originally come from central Africa. Their languages are almost similar.

What archaeological artifacts tell us about the Bantu?

they took there pottery skills with them when they migrated