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People who needed to get out of the United States without being seen. Mostly Slaves and those helping them.

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Q: Who traveled on the Underground Railroad?
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What was the railroad to freedom traveled by slaves?

underground railroad

How many slaves traveled on the underground railroad?

No one knows the exact number of slaves that traveled on the underground railroad, but there were thousands that did.

Did slaves have to hide when they traveled?

Not if your their going on the underground railroad.

How did most slaves travel?

they traveled on the underground railroad

Road to freedom traveled by many slaves?

Underground Railroad.

Who traveled the underground railroad?

people in slavery to get away from the people who owned them.

Where did people who traveled the underground railroad go?

to Canada or some where slavery wasn't

Did slaves travel on the underground railroad in the night or day?

they traveled at night so that they couldn't be seen as easily.

Who was the leader of the underground railroad during the civil war?

The underground railroad was mainly ran by Harriet Tubman. She was a slave that traveled from union states back over to the slave states over and over again helping other slaves get over to freedom. the underground railroad was a series of trails that helped slaves get to the northern states to freedom.

Was the Underground Railroad underground?

No it is known as the underground railroad as it was hidden from sight

What is the name of the railroad that Harriet Tubman worked on?

The Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad.

When did the Underground Railroad end?

the underground railroad started in 1816 and ended in 1856.