Taken from Traditions & Encounters Volume II
"...India was beset by other troubles - over population and continuing sectarian conflicts.
... [Indira Gandhi] used her powers under the emergency to forward one of India's most needed social reforms, birth control.
... the government engaged in repressive Birth Control policies, including involuntary sterilization."
Chronological order arranges events in the order in which they occurred.
Well, honey, if we're talking about sheer numbers, it's gotta be good ol' Uncle Joe Stalin and that mustachioed fella Hitler. Those two really knew how to rack up the body count with their little power trips. But hey, let's not forget about Chairman Mao and his merry band of communists, they were no angels either. So, if you're looking for a history lesson in mass murder, those are the names you wanna jot down.
They didn't conquer all of Britain, rather they gradually took over the country in a very slow advance, landing coming across the channel from France, and then slowly advancing across the country over many years Incidentally, one of the Roman invasions was rather insane, with Caligula ordering his troops to attack the water of the channel with their weapons, and then collecting sea shells as "plunder from the ocean, due to the Capitol and the Palace" - it is unknown if this was because of Caligula's derangement or as a punishment of the troops due to mutinies
The people who killed Thomas Becket were 4 knights of King HenryII because they over heard a conversation saying that the king wanted Thomas gone. To show their loyalty they went to the cathedral.The knights tried to get Thomas out of Whatever the King said, it was interpreted as a royal command, and four knights, set out to the cathedral and tried to get Thomas out of the building (killing someone in a sacred place meant damnation) but he would not move so they struck his head with a sword and then stabbed him. The four knights were Reginald FitzUrs, Hugh de Moreville, William de Tracy and Richard le Breton. Henry the II made the remark in his room, " Who will rid me of this terbulent priest?" Henry actually said this out of anger but not in front of the four knights, they simply over heard him.
- he loved making locks and amused himself in the royal locksmith-workshop assisted by Francois Gamain the local locksmith in the castle. He was actually very fond of Gamain. They made locks together for over 20 years. Horribly enough, the locksmith Gamain eventually betrayed Louis XVI to the revolutionarees when, later, the King was surrounded by enemies, and he felt the necessity for having some secret place where he could conceal papers of importance which might yet fall into the hands of the rabble if the palace was again invaded, as it had been at Versailles, he sent for Gamain to make for him an iron chest in a place of concealment, that could only be opened by one knowing the secret of the lock. Gamain was not to be trusted, as he had turned Revolutionairy and turned the chest in to the Assemblee National. The Queen heard of Gamain's Jacobinism, and warned the King, who, however, could not believe that Gamain would betray him. Marie Antoinette insisted on the most important papers being removed from the iron chest, and they were confided to Mme. de Campan. When the trial of the King was begun, on November 20, Gamain went to Roland, Minister of the Interior, and told him the secret of the iron chest. Roland, alarmed at the consequences of such a discovery, hastened to consult his wife, who was in reality more minister than himself. On December 24 following, Gamain was summoned to Paris by the Convention to give his evidence to prove that a key discovered in the desk of Thierry de Ville-d'Avray fitted the iron chest. - He loved to hunt and to wrestle his two younger brothers to the ground - He loved to eat. A lot!
As of 2021, there is no specific population figure available for GrubHub as it is an online food ordering and delivery platform, not a geographical location with a resident population.
Stop ordering me around.We are ordering a Chinese takeaway tonight.
The definition of ordering system is the program or method in which the ordering process is carried out. Examples of an ordering system are MRP, DRP and fixed reorder point.
The definition of ordering system is the program or method in which the ordering process is carried out. Examples of an ordering system are MRP, DRP and fixed reorder point.
Getting something on the internet. (ordering online)
partial ordering is the order which full fills the requierments reflexivity ,anti-symmetricity and transtivity
yes transportation an ordering cost
In considering the phases of matter, what is meant by ordering ?
eoq =economic ordering cost is constant
Ordering by mail, over the phone, or in person. - John Anav
The head chef was always ordering scouts out of the kitchen.