The Venerable Bede, a monk who was England's greatest scholar in the seventh and eighth centuries, wrote down the history of this early period in The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation.
A person who loves history is typically referred to as a "history enthusiast" or a "history buff." They may also be called a "historian" if they have a deep knowledge and expertise in historical events, figures, and contexts. This passion for history can manifest in various ways, such as through collecting historical artifacts, visiting historical sites, or engaging in historical research.
A historian.
Alfred the Great!
(Apex) How did the role of religion in Europe change between the postclassical and modern eras?
A historian.
Bede was also a teacher, priest, and scholar.
Anglosaxon and latin
Saint Bede the venerable
The pioneer scholar of chronology is commonly considered to be the Greek historian Herodotus. He is often referred to as the "Father of History" for his work in recording historical events and their chronological sequence.
1. A writer, student, or scholar of history.2. One who writes or compiles a chronological record of events; a chronicler.Source:
The word historians is a noun, a plural form for a historian; a word for a writer, student, or scholar of history; a word for a person.
Baburam Acharya named Mt. Everest as Sagarmatha. He is a Nepalese historian and literary scholar. He is also known as "Itihas Siromani".
what the fu**
no they dont because schools did not exist