The first Englishman in Australia was William Dampier, who arrived in 1688. An experienced sea captain and pirate, Dampier became the first Englishman to explore and map parts of New Holland and New Guinea. On 4 January 1688, his ship the 'Cygnet' was beached on the northwest coast of Australia, at King Sound near Buccaneer Archipelago on the north-west coast of Australia. While the ship was being repaired Dampier made notes on the fauna and flora he found there. Dampier was actually completely unimpressed by the dry, barren landscape, the lack of water and what he described as the "miserablest people in the world" - the native population. His negative reports led to the delay of England's colonisation of what is now Australia. It was not until 1770 that James Cook reported positively on the green, fertile countryside of New South Wales (on the eastern coast), and England sought to colonise the previously unknown continent.
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The first Englishman to visit Australia was not James Cook, as many people believe, but English trader and pirate William Dampier.
Dampier explored along the northwestern coast in 1688, and was most umimpressed by both the countryside and the people. He returned again eleven years later in 1699, and his view was still the same: the land was inhospitable, and unworthy of any further interest by the English authorities. His negative reports prevented further British exploration of the continent for almost one hundred years until James Cook came upon the eastern coast in 1770. It was Cook and botanist Sir Joseph Banks who saw the potential for settlement as Cook charted the coastline, and noted the lush vegetation and fertile soil of the east coast.
Sir Francis Drake
Australia is one of the most visited countries in the world. Close to 500000 people visit Australia every year. This can be attributed to the sound economic policies.
Nobody discovered Australia in 1700. The first known European "discovery" of Australia occurred much earlier than this.Willem Jansz/Janszoon was a Dutchman who was seeking new trade routes and trade associates. He became the first recorded European to step foot on Australia's shores on the western shore of Cape York Peninsula, on 26 February 1606
Sir Walter Raleigh.
The pirate William Dampier was the first English man to visit Australia.
William dampier
The question as it stands cannot be answered. No Englishman discovered Australia and befriended Bennelong, an Aboriginal man of the Eora tribe. Australia was discovered by the Dutch, around 80 years before the first Englishman set foot on the continent. This first Emglishman was William Dampier, who landed in Austalia's northwest in 1688, long after the first recorded Dutch landing in 1606. Dampier was not even remotely interested in communicating with the aboriginal people. Almost a century later, in 1770, James Cook became the first Englishman to sight the eastern coast of Australia, but he did not befriend any Aborigines either. It has Captain Arthur Philip, who led the First Fleet to Australia in 1788, who befriended Bennelong.
The first British man to come to Australia was William Dampier, who first landed on Western Australia's coast on 4 January 1688.Many people believe James Cook was the first Englishman to come to Australia. He was not.
William Dampier was the first Englishman to land in Australia, doing so first in 1688 and again in 1699. Dampier was not impressed with what he found on shores of northwest Australia, and his negative reports discouraged further English exploration until James Cook was charged with the secret mission of making observations on (and claiming) any uninhabited lands in the south Pacific. Dampier was not the first European to land on Australia, as the Dutch preceded him by over 80 years.
Aboriginals were originally on Australia. But the "offical" founder or Australia was Englishman Captain James Cook.
Lyndon Johnson in 1966 was the first US President to visit Australia. He was seeking support for the Vietnam War.
John Rolfe an Englishman brought the first tobacco seeds to Jamestown on a visit.
The Englishman who wrote a book about his journey to Australia in 1688 was William Dampier, a pirate, explorer, and naturalist. His book, "A New Voyage Round the World," detailed his travels and observations during his voyage to Australia and other parts of the world.
Francis Drake was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.
He was the first Englishman to explore parts of Australia and New Guinea as well as being the first person to circumnavigate the world three times.
The first Pope to visit Australia was Pope Paul VI in 1970