A man named Vasudev Balwant Phadke, was the Freedom Fighter of India who died in an Aden jail after he was captured in 1879. His death was the result of a hunger strike he was on to protest his imprisonment.
No Pit the younger did not have any children- he came close to marrying Lady Eleanor Eden in 1797 but decided against it- he remained a bachelor and consequently had no children.
Clement Attlee, Winston Churchill, Antony Eden, Harold McMillan (check spelling), Alex Douglas Hulme (check spelling), Harold Wilson, Edward Heath, Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown.
Its in Kolkata,India
Eden Garden Stadium is located in Kolkata or Calcutta in India.
Charles Eden died in 1722.
Eden Gray died in 1999.
Edwin Eden died in 1939.
Emily Eden died in 1869.
Eden Colvile died in 1893.
Thomas Eden died in 1645.
Ashley Eden died in 1887.
Billy Eden died in 1993.
Richard Eden died in 1576.
Eden Love died in 1991.