HIs name was Homer.
James Pittar, a blind swimmer from Australia back in the early 1990's.
John Milton was not known to have a actual disability. Though he wrote a poem about being blind it was based on religion not him actually being blind.
1.Mother theressa died for love 2.Juliet died for love. 3.Mary Slessor died for love. 4. Florence Nightingale 5. Helen keller, d blind, deaf and dumb who learnt to speak and gave hope to blind and deaf by teaching them. 6. Elizabeth Fry who opened a school for poor children , visited and looked after women prisoners and died 1845 7. Lady Diana
Mahatma Gandhi.
HomerHomer, the blind poet.
HomerHomer, the blind poet.
the blind spots
Homer the blind poet of Chios.
No, Zeus is not blind. In Greek mythology, Zeus is portrayed as a powerful god who rules over the sky and thunder.
It was only said he was blind.
actually no, not at all
A blind, Greek poet named Homer.
There are many writers who kept a history of Greek mythology, but the most famous of them is Homer, said to be blind, who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Iliad was considered such a brilliant piece of work that many Greeks knew the epic poem by heart.
No, Aristotle was not blind. He was a Greek philosopher and polymath who lived from 384-322 BC and is widely considered one of the most influential figures in Western philosophy.