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After much discussion with colleagues, family and friends it was decided that the last English king was Richard III, from the House of York. What came before was either Saxon or French and what came after was Welsh (Tudors), Scottish (Stuarts), Dutch, German and so on.

All English monarchs have had non-English antecedents in their ancestry, so the question of who was and who was not English must rest on where they were born and where and how they were raised before ascending to the throne.

Although Victoria was born in England, she was raised by Germans and was said to speak with a German accent. But her son, Edward, and all subsequent monarchs of Great Britain have been considered to be thoroughly English, or British.

On the other hand, there has been no King or Queen, of England since the 1707 Act of Union, when the monarchs became Kings, or Queens, of Great Britain. So by that reckoning, Richard III would have been the last English Monarch of England, with the rest, before 1707 being from non-English dynasties (Welsh and Scottish) and after 1707 being Monarchs of Great Britain, not of England.

This is a decent answer, but I suspect that the person asking it does not mean literally English, but just who was our last king, and that was the present Queens father George V1

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The last British King to lead his army in battle was King George II at the battle of Minden in 1759

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King Edward

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Q: Who was the last King of England to go to battle?
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How long did the 1066 war go on for?

The french-Norman invasion of England was the last successful invasion of England. started in September 28 of 1066 and after defeating Harold in the battle of Hastings in 1066 Oct 14, he crowned himself has the king of England in December 25th. Therefore, the war lasted from Sept 28 to Oct 14 or Dec 25. Ye Huang Nov 20 2009 P.S i am only 14

What revolution forced Charles X to flee to England?

Charles X escaped to Great Britain in 1792 when the French Revolutionary Wars began. He lived in both Edinburgh and London, supported by a generous allowance from King George III. He was the last of the French Bourbons who were descendants of Henry IV.

What was the Hampton Court Conference in 1604 about?

The conference was a meeting between King James 1 of England and the English Puritans. For more information go to:

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