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Slaves were a very important part of Ancient Roman society. Your wealth was partly based on how many slaves you owned. Even poor people had at least one slave.

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14y ago
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14y ago
  1. the slaves of Rome were solders captured i war and they did all the dirty and hard work
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15y ago

No, of course not.


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Q: Who were the slaves in rome?
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Where did ancient Rome get their slaves?

Abandoned children in Rome were made into slaves, fathers had the right to sell their children as slaves, and slaves were also captured in wars and brought back to Rome to be sold.

How did the slaves of ancient Rome get to Rome?

Slaves came to ancient Rome through slave traders from Europe and Middle East.

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Did ancient Rome have slaves?

Yes they did!

Who were slaves in ROME?

the slaves in rome were prisoners from war when rome defeated Carthage they took over 200,000 slaves and half were women and children most men were killed due to possible uprisings and soldiers were more commonly men. they were alsoanyone that was in extreme debt(rare slaves)

How did slaves come to rome?

the romans conquered their enemies and took the men as slaves

Did slaves in ancient Rome get educated?

No, they did not, nobody had time or inclination to educate slaves.

What are the heavy taxes in ancient rome?

the heavy taxes in rome are when slaves are sold

Were did Rome get there slaves that fought in the Rome colocem?

They were chosen so no one nos why

Who has the least power in ancient rome?
