during whose reign did the marathas reach maximum expansion
Zebulon Pike
It was, Maximilien Robespierre.
Nana Saheb
"When I say 'from whose perspective,' I am asking for the viewpoint or point of view of a specific person or entity in relation to a particular situation, topic, or event."
Usually the chorus represents the common people, the citizens, thus its opinion is either the common sense or -more often- a conservative perspective.
the africans
· Andre Agassi (tennis) · Alan Alda (actor) · Arthur Ashe (tennis)
vincent van gogh
A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph whose vertices represent random variables and whose directed edges represent conditional dependencies.
Tyeb Mehta
It is told from Rikki.
The painting in the stairwell of the Cullen house in the Twilight series is by artist Sharon Mitchell.