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Portuguese are European, or "white". They are a Hispanic race, coming from the Iberian Peninsula, but would, today, be considered white. Southern Europeans, mainly Portuguese, Spaniards, and Italians, were not always considered white and were socially/politically excluded as were Africans in the US.

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Q: Why Americans keep saying that Portugues people are white people?
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What are the people called that had the white clothing and had a white pointy hat that killed people?

the ku klux klan the KKK

Can the white man's conquest of native Americans be justified?

In 1532 a noted legal scholar wrote that it could not, and Native American's today still believe this. However the majority, white people, ignore these things or find arbitrary reasons to justify the actions (akin to someone trying to justify the enslavement of blacks in early American history).

Are black people in Africa called African-Africans?

Unlike the touchy Americans, South African Blacks are happy to be called black. White people are called white, people of mixed race are called coloured, SE Asians are called Malay (even if their ancestors came from Indonesia) and South Asian Muslims are happy to be called Indian. Unlike the touchy Americans, South African Blacks are happy to be called black. White people are called white, people of mixed race are called coloured, SE Asians are called Malay (even if their ancestors came from Indonesia) and South Asian Muslims are happy to be called Indian. Mind you, it is common in Nguni languages to double up a name for emphasis, so the national football team is Bafana-Bafana, the Rugby team, Ama boka-boka ( Springboks geddit?) the paraplegic olympic team Ama Kroka-kroka. There are game parks called Mala-Mala and Sabi-Sabi so why not Darkie-Darkie?

What was the color of the first person?

black people was here on earth first. two black people can create an white person call an albino two albinos create an white person over time. And if you really want to take it there white people came from monkey and cave... you cant trace white people pass 6,000 years ago, but you can trace black people pass 10,000 years ago.

What race of people have the most destructive history?


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What is a good saying about white people?

white power!

Why were the white settlers racist against the native Americans?

They weren't raciest, the native Americans thought that the white people were disrespecting the land and the white people thought that the native Americans were immoral.

Why did the Indians get upset the white Americans?

Because the white Americans took their land and were killing their people.

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What was the main problem with white and Native Americans?

the answer is that the white people better back then...

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In some Indigenous cultures, the spirit world is often depicted as a parallel realm where ancestors and spirits reside. This world is accessed through rituals, ceremonies, or altered states of consciousness. It is important to note that beliefs about the spirit world vary greatly among different Indigenous cultures.

O que significa 'Alba'?

Alba é um nome próprio usado em países de língua espanhola e tem origem latina, significando "alvorada" ou "nascer do sol". Também pode se referir ao nome de família "Alba" em algumas culturas.

Why are white people so annoyed by African Americans?

White people are annoyed by African Americans because they have no manners most of the time and they don`t like their skin color. =3

What is a discrimination?

Mexican Americans are sometimes called illegal immigrants and are told to cross the border by white people and puerto ricans are called "spic" by Irish Americans and other white people.

Is saying African American people are black racist?

No. Saying someone is a "white female" or a "black male," for example, is not racist.

Does Kanye West hate white people?

He has been quoted saying some.. not racist, but very demeaning things about white people.

What is a discrimination Latinos?

Mexican Americans are sometimes called illegal immigrants and are told to cross the border by white people and puerto ricans are called "spic" by Irish Americans and other white people.