Elizabeth went to war with Spain because, King Philip II of Spain, wanted to marry Elizabeth and she refused, which annoyed him and what also annoyed him is that she didn't do anything to stop her British captains bombing and sinking his ships.
And, Philip was Catholic and Elizabeth was Protestant. And he starting killing Protestants, but Elizabeth sent British troops so they could for them care and make sure they were safe.
But Elizabeth agreed to the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, a Catholic, who Philip wanted to be Queen, a Catholic Queen, but she was executed and Philip decided that he would start war on England, to destroy Elizabeth's Protestant government!
Because Henry wanted to show he was the best and the french wanted to take over his land so Henry had to fight for his own land! He went to war with France in 1544 (200bc)
"type your answer here"
Neutral countries such as spain and norway (not sure it might be sweden or both) were often targets for refugees because there was no fighting going on there.
Catherine of Aragon was important in European history for a number of reasons. For one, she was the youngest daughter of Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella (who we also know of who financed Christopher Columbus's voyages to the New World) Catherine would later grow up to be the 1st wife of the infamous King Henry VIII, and her refusal to go for a divorce and retire into a nunnery when Henry fell head over heels for Anne Boleyn led to Henry breaking away from the Catholic Church. And last but not least, Catherine of Aragon was the mother of Mary Tudor, Henry VIII's eldest daughter who would later inherit the throne and earn the nickname 'Bloody Mary'.
Thats just what you did, if you couldnt get a job, or you just wanted to fight, war was the way to go
He wanted to go to war with France, and he needed Spain to help him win the war. which by the way. He did not win.
Yes, Henry VIII won the war against France.
Henry VIII was friends with Spain no he is not use your brain Italy, France,and Scotland and much more i cant list them all i need to eat but In our times we are friends with Spain so we even go there ok you idiots need to start using your brain
Henry did not go to college i don't think
I don't think they did, they were allied against France along with the papal cities, research the four year's war.
no idea in cambridge
Henry VIII of England went to war with Charles V of France. The Pope had refused Henry's divorce, Henry married Anne Boleyn anyway and created the Church of England to declare his first marriage null and void. This gave the Pope the incentive to command Charles to go to war with Henry.
King Henry VIII went to church at least 5 times a day, but sometimes went 3 times if he was hunting that day
He commanded the English army at the Battle of Guinegate in 1513.In 1513, Henry invaded France and his troops defeated a French army at the battle of spurs... as I remember it was his first war
go away or tell me the answer
well the first church was called The Church Of England because it was made in England when Henry-viii was alive now that was age go