It was never a nation, but rather a weakening collection of territories extending from today's Belgium to the Czech Republic and northern Italy. The last Emperor Francis II scrapped the title in 1806 in favour of a more unitary Austrian empire.
Voltaire said the Holy Roman Empire was not 'Holy, Roman, or an Empire.'
The Holy Roman Empire followed the Byzantine Empire.
The Holy Roman Empire was finally dissolved when Holy Roman Emperor Francis II abdicated, or renounced his throne. It can also be credited to Napoléon, who defeated the HRE in battle which led to Francis abdicating.
it united its territories under a central goverment
Voltaire said the Holy Roman Empire was not 'Holy, Roman, or an Empire.'
the holy roman empire was not holy, roman or an empire - Voltaire
Germany was part of the Holy Roman Empire. But was not the Holy Roman Empire.
France emerged from the Thirty Years' War as the dominant European nation. The Holy Roman Empire had lost its control of the nation.
Holy Roman Empire was created in 962.
The holy Roman empire ruled the Romans.
One possibility would be the formation of the Holy Roman Empire (which was unfortunately neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire).
It never did. The so-called Holy Roman Empire was a mid-European entity.
Charlemagne was the first ruler of the Holy Roman Empire.
Most of the people in the Holy Roman Empire spoke german. It's perhaps worth noting that the Holy Roman Empire (Somebody said this) is not holy, roman or an empire !