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"Americans raise their children to be responsible, independent, self-reliant, self-determining, and able to demonstrate that they can take care of themselves." Americans are a blend of many cultures, strongly contributing to the fantastic ideas generated in America. Facebook and Apple are as Amercian as apple pie but more beneficial to society.

because they are fearfully ignorant of the rest of the world.

because their Government, through their education system, teached them that theirs is the best country in the world, and that they therefore need to know nothing about other countries.

because Americans who find out about other countries invariably want to change their own, which is why the their Government, through their education system, teached them that theirs is the best country in the world, and that they therefore need to know nothing about other countries.


Edit: I did not feel it would be right altering the previous posters response. Instead I left an explanation on the "Discussion page" instead. I feel it's more informative being I am an American and the above seems like speculation/US-flaming. None of what I wrote on the note is verifiable but seemed to be the most logical to me (and a few others I've actually had this discussion with). - Trasken

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Q: Why are Americans more culturally independent and self reliant?
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