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NWP for Northwest passage.

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Q: Why are the initials of a passage between the Atlantic and pacific sought by French and british explorers?
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What parts of the British Empire does the UK still own?

There are fourteen overseas territories still 'British': 1) Anguilla - Caribbean 2) Bermuda - Atlantic 3) British Antarctic Territory 4) British Indian Ocean Territory - Indian Sea 5) British Virgin Islands - Caribbean 6) Cayman Islands - Caribbean 7) Falkland Islands - South Atlantic 8) Gibraltar - Iberian peninsula 9) Montserrat - Caribbean 10) Pitcairn Islands - Pacific 11) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - South Atlantic 12) St Helena Island, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha Island - Mid Atlantic 13) Soverign Base of Akrotiri and Dhekelia Cyprus. 14)Turks and Caicos Islands - Caribbean

US-British agreement of August 1941 to promote democracy and establish a new international organization for peace?

Atlantic Charter

What historical consequences resulted from the cultivation of sugar instead of tobacco in the British colonies in the West Indies?

There was a demand in labor and an increase in the Atlantic slave trading.

Was Canada originally called british north America?

British North AmericaYes, it was called British North America. This was to designate where we now call Canada. It was called British North America because the British had control over hear and it was to the North of America (It still is). The AcadiansIf you are wondering about the Acadians they lived in where we now call Atlantic Canada but they call Acadia. The Acadians were French Immigrants/Settlers.

The War of Jenkins's Ear was fought between?

the war of jenkins's ear was fought between the British and Spain

Related questions

Initials of a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific sought by French and British explorers?

"N.P." would be the initials of a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific sought by many different explorers over the years, including French and British. They stand for "Northwest Passage," the elusive route between the great oceans that served as a tremendous inspiration for land- and sea-borne explorations of northern North America.

NAme the sea that is part of the Atlantic Ocean and lies between the British Isles and the continent of Europe?

The North Sea is the sea that is part of the Atlantic Ocean and lies between the British Isles and the continent of Europe.

Name the ocean between the british isles and America?

To the East of the British Isles is the North Sea, a part of the Atlantic Ocean. To the South between Britain and France is the English Channel, which the French call "La Manche."

What is meant by the initials XJS?

There is no meaning to the initials XJS. It is the model name for a Jaguar car. The Jaguar XJS is a luxury car and was produced by the British manufacturer between 1975 and 1996.

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british explorers

What does initials BAS stand for?

British Antarctic Survey

What sea is part of the Atlantic ocean asnd lies between the british isles and the continent?

The North Sea.

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What does the initials BP in the oil spill mean?

British Petroleum

What do the initials MP stand for in British Politics?

Member of Parliament.

Name the sea that is part of the Atlantic Ocean and lies between the British Isles and the mainland of Europe?

The North Sea.