Answer this question…
He had adopted a new religion and wanted to encourage others to convert as well.
One was to promote buddhist values in his kingdom. For example, he would tell people to practice nonviolence. Another goal was for the general welfare of people in his kingdom to be good. His third goal was to have good justice, or court systems, in his empire. His fourth and last was to make his country have good security. This included dealing with and protecting from non-citizens and bordering
Asoka was motivated to convert to Buddhism after seeing 100,000 casualties during his conquests. After this transformation he promoted peace an
in india. during emperor ashoka period, that is why it is called in the name of ashoka as ashoka chakra[chakra means wheel].
Mauryan Empire after Ashoka Ashoka's embrace of Buddhism has been said to have been the foundation of the reign of social and political peace and non-violence across all of India. Ashoka sponsored the spreading of Buddhist ideals into Sri_Lanka , Southeast Asia, West Asia and Mediterranean Europe This occured after Ashoka attacked the civilization of Kalinga.... Did this peace and halt on empire expansion and violence persist until the end of the Mauryan Empire or did the peace start falling apart after Ashoka died and was succeeded?
I don’t know
Answer this question…He had adopted a new religion and wanted to encourage others to convert as well.
Ashoka was the son of Bindusara and his grandfather chandragupta. His edicts tell that what he was doing for his people and how they should live and also tells about his life
The four Edicts are: Buddhist Values General Welfare Justice Security
The great Indian ruler Ashoka was the first to enact specific laws for the protection of wildlife and the environment through his edicts that promoted conservation and compassion towards animals.
It is taken from the Lions capital of Ashoka and having presence on various edicts of Ashoka. It has replaced pre independence charakha on the national flag. It has 24 spokes.
Two of them are Ashoka's edicts and the inscriptions found on the remains of the towns:Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.
King Ashoka in his rock edicts
The edicts were purpose is to promote four main goals:Buddhism values, general welfare, justice, and security.
ashoka chakra was made by ASHOKA (Ashoka the great), the Indian emperor who ruled the Maurya Dynasty.
Ashoka was the greatest ruler of the Maurya Empire. He stopped fighting wars to try to gain land instead he started to trade. He also converted into Buddhism. Lastly, he made his own edicts which are like laws.
The Emperor Ashoka's palace was in Pataliputra.