We celebrate black history month because we are celebrating all of the great things black men and woman have done. Many years ago, black people were overlooked. They were not in History books when they did great things that white people did. It was truly unfair so Carter G. Woodson decided to make Black History Month a thing so that they could have equil rights. Carter G. Woodson changed Black History just like many others such as Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and many other great black human beings. Black History Month had given Black People the chance to finally be noticed and not overlooked. In the UK they celebrate Black History Month in October but in America they celebrate Black History Month in February.
In October or February, people normally protest to stop racism once and for all. Black History Month wouldn't be the same if people didn't believe in them. We should always respect others, we should not care about looks but instead we should care about their personalities. George Floyd also made a big change in Black History when a shopkeeper said he payed 'fake money' but it was real money, George Floyd was just black and was treated wrong. Then an officer came and put his knee on his neck for no reason at all! If it was a white person on the other hand, they would of never gotten put down to the floor and had someone put their knee on their neck! This just shows how unfair people can be! This happened on May 25th. We must keep George Floyd and many others in our hearts and be greatful for all the amazing things that they have done for us. Rest In Peace George Floyd, Martin Luthor King Jr., Muhammad Ali and many many other great black people who changed History forever.
Dr Carter G Woodson began the celebration we now recognize as Black History month.
Dr. Carter G Woodson was a black American scholar. He earned a PhD from Harvard. He recognized that black history was not included in his studies. He saw that when blacks were seen in history books, it was in a way that portrayed them as inferior.
In response, Dr. Carter G Woodson started the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in 1915. The association is now called the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History, but it continues to thrive. Dr. Carter G Woodson is also responsible for the Journal of Negro History.
Black History Month began in 1926 as Negro History Week. Dr. Carter G Woodson used this as a way to bring to light the contributions of black people to American history. It was the second week of February because of the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, two men who he felt were influential to black Americans.
Other important dates in February for African Americans are February 1, 1960 the day college students organized a civil rights sit-in at a Woolworth's counter in Greensboro, North Carolina.
On February 3, 1970 African-Americans were given the right to vote in the 15th Amendment.
On February 12, 1909 the NAACP was founded.
On February 23, 1868 WEB DuBois was born.
On February 25, 1870 the first black senator, Hirim R Revels was sworn in.
In 1976 Black History Week (changed from Negro History Week) became Black History Month.
Black History Month is widely celebrated but can be controversial among African-Americans. Many people ask why black history is given its own special month when black history is a part of American history. Other people celebrate the idea of a month specifically devoted to celebrating the history of African-Americans in the United States.
There is not specifically a white history month. However, there are months such as Irish-American Heritage Month (March), Polish American History Month (October), and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (May). There are many groups out there rallying to get their history month to be more recognized. If you would like a certain history month to be made less obscure then do your research and see what you can do to help out your group.
he is important to black history month because he is a out spoken person to are USA place that is why.
Black history is important because it shines a light on a part of history that people do not always see. It helps people understand the importance of equality and how things have not always been that way.
Black history is the history of African Americans like: Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr. ect. A remembrance of important people and events of history of the African Diaspora.
cycling started in the 1800's
Do you mean Black history month (USA)?? It used to be Black history week, started back around 1976 I think. Black history month started late 80's early 90's.
carter woodson was named " The Father of Black History" and he started black history month
Carter Woodson is the man that started Black History Week which eventually became Black History Month.
Black History Month is celebrated throughout October in the UK. It first started being recognized and celebrated in 1987 by Akyaaba Addai Sebbo.
It is celebrated to observe and remember important people and events in the history of the African diaspora.
What Month is Black history month in Canada
The month of February is Black History month because most Black people who helped our State is mostly born on February.But if you don't believe me look on wiki and look up Black persons who helped our life.
Black history month is about the people that fought our right such as discrimination, civil rights, prejudice ,and racism.
Is he black than yes anyone whos black is in black history month
1976, though it grew from Negro History Week which was started in 1926. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_history_month
we have black history month to remember the hard times for the blacks.