Trade - making money for British companies
Politics - stopping other European powers developing their empires and becoming too powerful
Religion - trying to spread the Christian faith
Ambition - hoping to get rich easily or get a good job in the government of the empire
Adventure - wanting to learn about new lands and peoples
Land - hoping to settle down and start a new life in a new land
I have to answer the same question for an essay at school. It's due in tomorrow (because I 'forgot' it) and I have no idea how to structure the essay. Help!!
Hope I helped you!
Empires are very profitable. The British got very rich from theirs, while it lasted.
More taxes, more troops, more trade, more slaves, more political power
The British wanted colonial control of India so they could have a base for further trading, and to have access to cotton, tea and other resources in India.
Britain wanted an empire so they could earn a lot of profit from Importing and Exporting things like tea, sugar, tobacco.
north America The British Empire controlled an entire continent in Australia. The British Empire was the largest empire in history.
I think you mean "why did the Roman Empire want Britain." The British empire began in the 1600s, twelve hundred years after the Roman empire fell and two centuries after Byzantine, the eastern half was conquered. Rome wanted the isle of Briton because it was a nation of soldiers and conquers and they wanted land and more taxes, as well as something for their soldiers to do.
Why did The British Empire lose their land?
They were all part of the British Empire
Yes. It joined the British Empire in 1625 ;P
For gold
The British Empire traded mostly within itself. There were over 50 countries within the Empire, with food and raw materials imported from them and manufactured goods being exported to them.
It was known as the British Empire. When the empire started to fall apart, the British Commonwealth/Commonwealth of Nations was created.
The British Empire does not exist anymore.
Quite possibly nobody thought in those terms.
north America The British Empire controlled an entire continent in Australia. The British Empire was the largest empire in history.
You need to spacify which are the empires discussed in the section if you want to make it possible to answer your question. If the British Empire is in the list that would be it. If you look at the extent of this empire and at what the British did, you'll see why.
I think you mean "why did the Roman Empire want Britain." The British empire began in the 1600s, twelve hundred years after the Roman empire fell and two centuries after Byzantine, the eastern half was conquered. Rome wanted the isle of Briton because it was a nation of soldiers and conquers and they wanted land and more taxes, as well as something for their soldiers to do.
Why did The British Empire lose their land?
They weren't, the British empire attacked India and the British won.
1) The British Empire was the biggest empire in history. 2) The Moors did not have an empire.