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In those times, the church was not able to provide grants of food nor money to the poor. This increased unemployement and tremendous pressure onj household managers. As a result, on October 5, some seven thousand desperate women marched to Versailles to demand action.

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The French peasant and working-class women marched on Versailles in 1789 because of the cost of bread. It had become high priced and was getting hard to buy.

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Q: Why did the French peasant and working-class women march on Versailles in 1789?
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When did The Women's March on Versailles happen?

The Women's March on Versailles took place on October 5, 1789, during the French Revolution. It began with women in Paris protesting the high price and scarcity of bread, leading to a march to Versailles to confront King Louis XVI.

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The March of Versailles was a significant event during the French Revolution when thousands of working-class women marched to Versailles to demand bread and protest against the monarchy. The march highlighted the growing discontent among the French populace over economic hardship and inequality, leading to the royal family being forced to move from Versailles to Paris. It symbolized the power of popular uprising and helped pave the way for future revolutionary actions during the French Revolution.

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The March of Women in France is also known as the March of Versailles or October March; it is one of the most important events of the French Revolution

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What was the Promise of the March of Versailles?

The king promised to move the court from Versailles to Paris.

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The women were demanding not only bread, but the presence of the King in Paris so that he could personally see their plight.

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The proletariat often rioted for bread during the French Revolution. Under the Ancient Regime, there was terrible inflation and horrible harvests, and they starved. An example of an urban riot in Paris was the march to Versailles, when thousands of women marched to Versailles to force the king, Louis XVI, to return to Paris. From Versailles, the women got cartloads of flour to feed their families as well.

How was the march on Versailles related to democracy?

The Women's Bread March on Versailles was a popular grass roots protest which sought to gain the attention of the crown to the plight of the poor in Paris. The March on Versailles showed that women had political influence, and represented a step towards equality for every man and woman. The March of Versailles happened on October 5th, 1789, and was one of the earliest events of the French Revolution. A crowd of mostly women walked the 12 miles from Paris to Versailles, and demanded that the Royal Family come to Paris and that the price of bread be lowered. Two guardsmen were killed and their heads mounted on pikes, and Marie Antoinette was nearly killed. The monarchy submitted to the mob's wishes. This was particularly significant because it showed that the lower class of the 3rd Estate was a political force to be reckoned with. It may be the first time the French people rebelled against their government.

What significance did the March on Versailles have on the French Revolution?

Like the Bastille, it was a grass roots effort and like the Tennis Court Oath, it played a major part in the start of the Revolution.

When did the Nazis repudiate the Versailles treaty?

March 7, 1936

How were the storming of the Bastille and the women March on Versailles similar?

The storming of The Bastille and the storming of Versailles where similar because they where both acts of rebelling against the monarchy. They people where hungry, they where sick of being fully aware of the rich and lavish lifestyle the "upper class" lived. Both of these acts by the french people, played very big roles in the French Revolution.

Who forced King Louis XVI out of Versailles?

The Women's Bread March.