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When the ANZACS landed at Gallipoli they were ambushed by Turkish troops as they were off the coast of Turkey.

The landing occurred in the wrongji place - one mile too far north due to strong tides which were not taken into account. This meant the terrain was not at all favorable and steep exposed hillsides had to be climbed. The Turkish soldiers were already encamped in this area and simply shot many ANZACs down as they came ashore. No more ground was ever gained than what was occupied by the ANZAC troops on the first day.

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Did the ANZAC's land in the wrong place?


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1915. April 25th to be exact.

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The Gallipoli landing began on 25 April 1915.

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The ANZACs landed at Anzac Cove on 25 April 1915. This is the date now commemorated as Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand.

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wrong because it is not real

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