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The Stolen Generation did occur because someone failed to take responsibility and passed on the buck. The government, the parents and the society are the people who led to the occurrence of the Stolen Generation.

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14y ago

The stolen generations occurred because of a big misunderstanding and alot of confusion. What happened back in the 1900's should never have occurred The white people (most of our ancestors took over the native aboriginal and Torres strait islanders land, which was and always be their country. The white people thought they were helping the native people but really they were only teaching them the white way of things. Through this process of taking aboriginal children from their families, their communities and THEIR land, loss of culture and rituals and the way the native people had lived for thousands of years was being lost and slowly fading away. What would of happened if we all had of took a step back and looked at the bigger picture, would we be where we are today, would there have been less suffering, would we have learned to appreciate the land and the way of life like the Aboriginals did ?

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When did the stolen generation end?


When did the stolen generation take place?

The Stolen Generation Children who were taken went to Institutes where they were locked in dormetries at night and if they were white enough they were fostered out into white families. If they wern't then as soon as they ewre able to conseve then they were forced to have kids to white men in order to "breed the aborigine out of them"

The phrase stolen Generation refers to?

the policy between 1880 - 1960 which attempted to acculturate Australian aboriginal children

Have the crown jewels been stolen?

yes the have been stolen by Sir Walter Raleigh

What is the time frame and name of the last 4 generations?

awakening generation......1701-1723first great awakening......1730-1740Liberty Generation...........1724-1741Republican Generation.......1742-1766Compromise Generation.......1767-1791Second Great Awakening.......1790-1840Transcendental Generation......1792-1821.Gilded Generation..............1822-1842.Progressive Generation............1843-1859Missionary Awakening...............1886-1908Missionary Generation...........1860-1882Lost Generation..................1883-1900.Interbellum Generation............1900-1910G.I. Generation.....................1900-1924Greatest Generation..................1911-1924American High.........1929-1956Silent Generation........1925-1945Baby Boomers..............1946-1964Beat Generation...........1948-1962Generation Jones............1954-1965Consciousness Revolution.....1964-1984Baby Busters.......1958-1968Generation X........1965-1981MTV Generation........1975-1985Culture Wars..........1984-2005Boomerang Generation........1981-1986Generation Y................1982-2003iGeneration.............1986-2000New Silent Generation.......2004-.Crisis of 2020......2020-Source(s):I can do better than that.…