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Her Majesty is also the Queen of Canada.

The Queen is the monarch of sixteen Realms of the Commonwealth, and in each realm Her Majesty's role is as a separate head of State. Canadians celebrate the Queen's birthday because Her Majesty is the Canadian head of State, and Canadian Queen.


P.S. The birthday we celebrate is that of Queen Victoria, not Queen Elizabeth.

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Q: Why do Canadians celebrate the queens birthday when she is the queen of England not Canada?
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What do Canadians celebrate?

they celebrate thanksgiving in october.

Why is Canada Day is celebrated?

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Canadians celebrate their independence on July 1st. (Canada Day)

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Do Canadians work on Canada Day?

Canada day celebrations are unique to different cities and areas of Canada. Most locations have a fireworks display of some sort. In Ottawa, many of the attractions and museums are open free of charge, and there is a light show and fireworks at the Parliament buildings. Often people in Canada wear red/white clothing, and sometimes paint their faces with the colours of the flag.

Which countries celebrate their own queen's birthday?

The Queen you're referring to, I assume, is the Queen of England. Therefore, her birthday is celebrated most likely in all countries that has or has had in the past British "rule", such as Canada. Meaning that Great Britain and Canada celebrate there own queens birthday.

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What day in October do Canadians celebrate thanksgiving?

The second Monday in October is when Canadians celebrate their Thanksgiving Day.

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Canada Day (Canada's "birthday") is celebrated on the date the Dominion was founded : July 1, 1867. It was the day the British North America Act, aka the Constitution Act, was made effective.

What holiday do the people in Canada celebrate on the second Monday in October?

Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving on the second monday in october.

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