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Because Europe is behind America in the evolution of language.

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Q: Why do europeans call a vacation a holiday?
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Related questions

What a different between holiday and vacation?

Holiday is what the English call it and Vacation is what Americans call holidays. =)

What is a vacation is called in England?

Most people in the UK would call it a 'holiday'.

Save Money by Using Holiday Vacation Packages?

A smart way to save on a vacation is to take advantage of holiday vacation packages. You can find holiday vacation packages on various travel websites. Many websites that sell airline tickets also sell holiday vacation packages. A holiday vacation package can bundle together airfare, car rentals, hotel reservations, cruise packages and even special activities to do while on vacation.

Someone who is on holiday?

Holiday is another term for vacation.

What is the first choice holiday village?

First Choice is a travel provider in the UK. They provide vacation packages which they call "holiday village" at different beach resorts around the world.

What is an acronym for holiday?


How many europeans go on vacation each year?

According to Eurostat, over 60% of Europeans went on vacation in the past year.

Where can one compare holiday vacation packages to Phuket?

There are many places where one can compare holiday vacation packages to Phuket. Once can compare holiday vacation packages to Phuket at popular on the web sources such as Travelocity and Expedia.

Is Spain a good holiday location?

Spain is an excellent holiday vacation.

What is a different term for 'vacation'?


What is holiday in Spanish?

Vacaciones - vacation/holiday dia de fiesta - feast-day/holiday.

What is holiday pay?

In the UK. Holiday pay is payment made to an employee whilst they are on holiday (vacation).