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the french stink


Because of some stereotypes. It's like a fashion, everybody hates France but nobody has good reasons...


because they are rude, offensive... basically obnoxious. Also the English and other countries hate them for what they did during World War 2, basically nothing.

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11y ago

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This is not actually the case. France is home to the 3rd largest Jewish community in the world and most of these Jews arrived in France just before Algeria's independence.

Answer 2

The ethnic French do not hate Jews, but the a noticeable proportion of the increasing Arab-Muslim minority of France do. For them some of them, this hatred is an extension of their strong Anti-Zionist sentiments. For others it is a result of historic Islamic Anti-Semitism and the Anti-Semitism that became part and parcel of Arab Nationalism during the 1930s and 1940s. For still others, especially Algerians, it comes from deep resentment of the way that Jews befriended and lived among the Pied Noirs (ethnic French people who lived in Algeria) during France's Occupation of Algeria.

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