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I pondered this question for a while. All of the UK is North of the USA, i.e. if the UK was moved across the Atlantic, the UK would be roughly bank smack in the middle of Canada. So why is it so much milder in the UK in winter? For example Bristol where I live is a latitude of 51degrees with average winter temperatures of around 4-5 C. Take Winnipeg which is actually slightly south of Bristol at 49 degrees, but average winter temperatures there are aroud -10 -15 and they get a lot of heavy snow. The reason behind the cooler temperatures in the UK is predomiantly due to the fact it's surrounded by relatively mild Atlantic, which play a large role in keeping temperatures less extreme. Also the other reason is played by the gulf stream which intermixes with the Atlantic weather system keeping the UK much warmer than in Canada.

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Who contributed to the world most in history?

there really isnt anyone who contributed the most to the world in history.... however there are many people who changed it.... ghandi martin luther king junior many people like that... if you really need someone who did the biggest thing for the world then just ask me and i could probably find you something :)

Where were the first public schools established?

The first schools probably started in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (Iraq) with the development of writing around 3500BC. Not everyone attended school. Compulsory public education was not put in place in developed countries until the 19th century and throughout the world in the 20th cenrury.

According to Darwin how did the world get created?

According to Darwin the world just appeared. For example:" Millions of years ago " the toad one day jumed out of the water and became a googse. That doesnt make sense . I t is so not true that the world was created that way. God created the world . He created it in 7 days ! Isnt that amazing? No one could have done that accept for God. As you know he created man. But man fell into sin . So he promised the people that some day he would come again. And he did ! He had to come in order for any one to have felloship with him again , he had to die for our sins and take it upon himself. he did die on the cross and you know, he did die ! And the third day he rose again ! And some day for all of those that believe in him will go to heaven . But the people who do not will go into the lake of fire FOR EVER after they die. If you want to believe in him all you have to do is ask!

History as science?

A BRIEF HISTORY OF SCIENCEAncient Greek ScienceThe Ancient Greeks were the first scientists. Greek philosophers tried to explain what the world is made of and how it works. Empedocles (c. 494-434 BC) said that the world is made of four elements, earth, fire, water and air. Aristotle (384-322 BC) accepted the theory of the four elements. However he also believed that the Sun, Moon and planets are made of a fifth element and are unchanging. Aristotle also studied zoology and attempted to classify animals.Aristotle also believed the body was made up of four humours or liquids (corresponding to the four elements). They were phlegm, blood, yellow bile and black bile. If a person had too much of one humour they fell ill.Although some of their ideas were wrong the Greeks did make some scientific discoveries. A Greek named Aristarchros believed the Earth revolved around the Sun. Unfortunately his theory was not accepted. However Eratosthenes (c.276-194 BC) calculated the circumference of the Earth.Arab ScienceScience flourished among the Arabs. Among their greatest scientists was a mathematician called al-Khwarizmi (790-850), the philosopher al-Kindi (801-866) and the astronomer al-Farghani. Their two greatest doctors were al-Razi (824-925) and Ibn-Sina (980-1037).Another great Arab scientist was the astronomer al-Sufi (903-986). Another scholar named al-Haytham (965-1040) realised that light is reflected off objects into the eye. He also discovered that light travels in straight lines.The Scientific RevolutionIn the 2nd century AD an astronomer called Ptolemy stated that the Earth is the centre of the universe. The sun and the other planets orbit the Earth. In the 16th century a Polish clergyman called Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) realised this is untrue. The Earth and the other planets orbit the Sun. However his theory was not published until just before his death.Another great astronomer of the 16th century was Tycho Brahe (1546-1601). He made accurate observations of the positions of stars. However Brahe did not accept the Copernican theory. Instead he believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth and the other planets revolved around the Sun.Moreover in 1572 Brahe saw a new star (a nova). The Greek philosopher Aristotle said the heavens were unchanging. Change and decay, he said, only happened on Earth. Obviously Aristotle was wrong.He was followed by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). In the 16th century people believed that the planets move in circles. Kepler showed they orbit the Sun in ellipses and they move faster as they approach the Sun. Kepler published two laws of planetary motion in 1609. He published a third in 1619. Furthermore in 1604 Kepler published a book on Optics.The Advance of MedicineAt this time doctors made great progress in understanding how the human body works. In 1628 William Harvey published his discovery of how blood circulates around the body. The Roman writer Galen said that blood passes from one side of the heart to the other through the septum. However by 1555 the great surgeon Vesalius had reached the conclusion that no such holes exist and that blood cannot pass from one side of the heart to the other in that way.In 1559 a man named Realdo Colombo demonstrated that blood actually travels from one side of the heart to the other through the lungs.Eventually William Harvey realised that the heart is a pump. Each time it contracts it pumps out blood. Harvey then estimated how much blood was being pumped each time.The Roman writer Galen believed that the body constantly makes new blood and uses up the old (rather like an engine using up petrol). However Harvey realised this is not true. Instead the blood circulates around the body.In the 17th century medicine was still handicapped by wrong ideas about the human body. Most doctors still thought that there were four fluids or 'humours' in the body, blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Illness resulted when you had too much of one humour. Nevertheless during the 17th century a more scientific approach to medicine emerged and some doctors began to question traditional ideas.17th centuryIn the 17th century medicine was helped by the microscope (invented at the end of the 16th century). In 1658 Jan Swammerdan first observed red blood corpuscles. In 1661 Marcello Malpighi discovered capilliaries. Then in 1665 Robert Hooke was the first person to describe cells in his book Micrographia.Many other scientists worked in the late 17th century. Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) discovered Titan, the moon of Saturn. In 1656 he made the first pendulum clock, which made accurate measurement of time possible.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) made his own microscopes and through them he made many observations.Meanwhile in 1661 Robert Boyle (1627-1691) published the Sceptical Chemist, which laid the foundations of modern chemistry. Boyle rejected the Greek thinker Aristotle's idea that the world is made up of four elements, water, earth, fire and air. Boyle is also famous for Boyle's law (The volume of a gas kept at constant temperature is inversely proportional to its pressure).During the 18th century chemistry made great advances. In 1751 Axel Cronstedt discovered nickel. In 1766 Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) isolated hydrogen and studied its properties. (He also calculated the density of the Earth). In 1772 Daniel Rutherford (1749-1819) discovered Nitrogen. Two men, Joseph Priestly (1733-1804) and Karl Scheele (1742-1786) discovered oxygen. In 1756 Joseph Black (1728-1799) discovered carbon dioxide.Perhaps the greatest chemist of the 18th century was Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794). He discovered that during combustion oxygen combines with substances. He also discovered the role of oxygen in respiration and corrosion of metals.Meanwhile during the 18th century people began to realised that the Earth is very old. A landmark in geology came in 1785 when James Hutton (1726-1797) published his book Theory of the Earth.In 1781 the astronomer William Herschel (1738-1822) discovered the planet Uranus. In 1784 John Goodricke (1764-1786) discovered variable stars.Two great biologists of the 18th century were Georges Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788) and Karl Linnaeus (1707-1778). Linnaeus invented a method classifying living things.Meanwhile people began to investigate electricity. In 1746 Petrus van Musschenbroek (1692-1761) invented a way of storing electricity called a leiden Jar. In 1752 Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) proved that lighting is a form of electricity.Then in 1800 Allessandro Volta (1745-1827) invented the first battery.However during the 18th century medicine made slow progress. Doctors still did not know what caused disease. Some continued to believe in the four humours (although this theory declined during the 18th century). Other doctors thought disease was caused by 'miasmas' (odourless gases in the air).Science in the 19th CenturyDuring the 19th century science made great progress.John Dalton (1766-1844) published his atomic theory in 1803. According to the theory matter is made of tiny, indivisible particles. Dalton also said that atoms of different elements had different weight. Dalton also studied colour blindness.In 1827 the German chemist Friedrich Wohler (1800-1882) isolated aluminum. In 1828 he produced urea, an organic compound from inorganic chemicals.A Russian, Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907) formulated the Periodic Table, which arranged all the known elements according to their atomic weight.Meanwhile people continued to master electricity. In 1819 a Dane, Hans Christian Oersted discovered that electric current in a wire caused a nearby compass needle to move. The Englishman Michael Faraday (1791-1867) showed that a magnet can produce electricity.In 1847 the German Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) formulated the law of the Conservation of Energy, which states that energy is never lost but just changes from one form to another. In 1851 he invented the ophthalmoscope.Meanwhile geology made huge strides. Charles Lyell (1797-1875) saw that rocks were formed by processes we see today. In 1830 he published his book Principles of Geology. In 1837 a Swiss, Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) realised that a vast sheet of ice had once covered northern Europe. Furthermore scientists discovered more and more fossils and the word Dinosaur was coined in 1842.

What powers did the king have under the constitution of 1791?

The person of the King is inviolable and sacred; his only title is King of the French.There is no authority in France superior to that of the law; the King reigns only thereby, and only in the name of the law may he exact obedience. On his accession to the throne, or as soon as he has attained his majority, the King, in the presence of the legislative body, shall take oath to the nation to be faithful to the nation and to the law, to employ all the power delegated to him to maintain the Constitution decreed by the National Constituent Assembly in the years 1789, 1790, and 1791, and to have the laws executed.If, one month after the invitation of the legislative body, the King has not taken said oath, or if, after having taken it, he retracts it, he shall be deemed to have abdicated the throne.If the King places himself at the head of an army and directs the forces thereof against the nation, or if he does not, by a formal statement, oppose any such undertaking carried on in his name, he shall be deemed to have abdicated the throne. If the King, having left the kingdom, does not return after invitation has been made by the legislative body, and within the period established by proclamation, which may not be less than two months, he shall be deemed to have abdicated the throne.After express or legal abdication, the King shall be classed as a citizen, and as such he may be accused and tried for acts subsequent to his abdication.The private property which the. King possesses upon his accession to the throne is irrevocably united with the national domain; he may dispose of property acquired by singular title; if he has not disposed thereof, it likewise is united at the end of the reign.The King shall appoint an administrator of the civil list, who shall institute lawsuits on behalf of the King, and against whom all actions for debt against the King shall be directed and judgments pronounced. Condemnations obtained by creditors of the civil list shall be executory against the administrator personally, and upon his own property.Apart from the guard of honor furnished him by the citizen National Guard of the place of his residence, the King shall have a guard, paid out of the funds of the civil list; it may not exceed the number of 1,200 infantry and 600 cavalry.The King may choose the men of his guard only from among those who are at present on active service in the troops of the line, or from among citizens who have served for a year as National Guards, provided they are resident in the kingdom and have previously taken the civic oath.The King's guard may not be ordered or requisitioned for any other public service. This isnt all but yeaaaaa.

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