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Because of the taxes the colonies didn't want to pay.They also wanted freedom from King George III so the can be a nation and not remain colonies of Great Britan.

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Q: Why the revolution started in Britain?
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This revolution started in Great Britain in the eighteenth century

What year had the American revolution started?

The revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain began in 1775 and ended in 1783

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The industrial revolution, which started in Britain.

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The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain and did not spread for some 50 years.

What war was fought with Britain shortly after the Revolutionary War?

The French Revolution started during the same decade in which the American Revolution ended. Regarding the US vs. Great Britain, about 30 years after the American Revolution ended, the War of 1812 started. A few have referred to it as "Revolutionary War II".

Why did the industrial revolution start in Great Britain?

The industrial revolution started in Great Britain centuries ago, and it is one of the earliest areas to adapt. Great Britain has always been a leader in innovation, and wanted to set an example for the rest of the world.

Where did the Industrial Revolution affect?

The industrial revolution started in and first affected Britain, particularly the English midlands. Also it affected wales and Ireland.

How did Americans respond to the American revolution and why?

Huh they started it to be free from Britain and they were colonist at the beginning but in the middle they were Americans.

Who had the right to tax the colonists?

No one, colonists didn't realize this until Britain's taxes became extreme. This is when the revolution started for independence.

Where did the Indusrial Revolution start?

I'm pretty sure it started in Great Britain. at least that's what I learned in social studies class...

Why did the industrialization start in Great Britain?

The industrial revolution started in Great Britain centuries ago, and it is one of the earliest areas to adapt. Great Britain has always been a leader in innovation, and wanted to set an example for the rest of the world.