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Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, had been rivals since before the goldrush days. It was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne. It was logical to build the city inland (in an area that had already been partially established), so that it would be directly along the route between Australia's two largest cities. To build Canberra on the coast would have meant businessmen, politicians, diplomats and others wishing to travel between Sydney and Melbourne would, in effect, have to go hundreds of kilometres out of their way in order to travel via the Capital.

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Q: Why was Canberra not built on the coast?
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When was Canberra made?


What was the population of Canberra in 2007?


What was the capital of Australia during World War 2?


Where was the national apology held?

The National Apology by Kevin Rudd was held in Canberra, ACT Australia.

Why and how did Canberra become the capital of Australia?

Although Australia's two largest and wealthiest cities were Sydney and Melbourne, rivalry between them since before the goldrush days essentially prohibited either city from becoming the national capital. It was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. However, the capital could not be on the coast, as it was felt that this would render the nation's capital vulnerable to attack from enemy ships. Climate and setting were also important: the climatto could not be warm and tropical, as there were concerns this could lead to "torpor" for the country's top decision makers, and the setting needed to be elevated with a grand outlook, so surrounding mountains were desirable. Section 125 of the Constitution of Australia provided that: "The seat of Government of the Commonwealth shall be determined by the Parliament, and shall be within territory which shall have been granted to or acquired by the Commonwealth, and shall be vested in and belong to the Commonwealth, and shall be in the State of New South Wales, and be distant not less than one hundred miles from Sydney. Such territory shall contain an area of not less than one hundred square miles, and such portion thereof as shall consist of Crown lands shall be granted to the Commonwealth without any payment therefore. The Parliament shall sit at Melbourne until it meets at the seat of Government." Numerous locations were checked over by federal parliamentarians. They included Albury, Armidale, Bathurst, Bombala, Dalgety, Delegate, Goulburn, Lake George, Lyndhurst, Orange, Queanbeyan, Tumut, Wagga Wagga and Yass. Although the first preferred site was Dalgety, this was discounted as being too close to Melbourne and too far from Sydney. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne, within easy access of both cities. Farming land was taken up for this purpose. The first survey peg marking the beginning of the development of the city of Canberra was driven in on 20 February 1913. The foundation stone was laid on 12 March 1913. Lady Denman, wife of the Governor-General, then announced the name of the city as Canberra, believed to be a derivation of an Aboriginal word for 'meeting place'.

Related questions

What impact did Captain James Cook have on Canberra?

Absolutely none. Canberra was not built until nearly 150 years after Cook charted the eastern coast.

How was canberra's site used by white people before the official city canberra was built?

Canberra was built on sheep farms.

Which of Canberra's main attractions was built in the 1800s?

Canberra was a paddock in 1800s

What is the only capital city in Australia which is not on the coast?

Canberra, the national capital, is the only capital not on the coast.

Why was the parliament house built in Canberra?

the Parliament house was built in canberra because in each state theres supposed to be one

What are three cities on the southeastern coast?

Southeastern coast of Australia? - Brisbane, Sydney, and Canberra.

What coast is canberra located on?

Canberra, the capital city of Australia, is not located on any coast, and because of this is often referred to as the "Bush capital". It is located 150km inland, built on the banks of the Molonglo River, and 571m above the Pacific Ocean. Canberra is actually in its own territory of 4,067 square kilometres, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), which is independently governed, though completely surrounded by the state of New South Wales.

Do cobras live in north sunshine coast?

yes they do manly in the sunshine coast and sydney and canberra

What direction did the Canberra bushfires go?

The Canberra bushfires in 2003 started to the south west of the city and moved through the southern suburbs of Canberra, heading towards the coast (eastern Australia).

How was Canberra used before the official Canberra was built?

Where Canberra is now located was once rich farming land known as Limestone Plains. It was used for both crops and stock.

Is Canberra located on the coast of Australia?

No. Canberra is located about 120 Km inland from the coast.

Which city was the capital until Canberra was made?

Melbourne held the country's parliament until Canberra was built, but it was never the capital of Australia.