Expedition is a trip made by an organized group of people. The purpose is to get information. It's more like a scientific trip An Excursion is also made by a group of people but it's frequently used as a trip for pleasure.
An expedition is a trip taken with the goal of exploring.
It is a: Expedition Your welcome
The Middle Passage
Mohammad's move to Medina in 622 AD is called The Hegira
They are traveling to explore or experience something in one form or another, a hunting trip to africa could be called an expedition, and a sight-seeing trip to china could also be called an expedition.
Expedition is a trip made by an organized group of people. The purpose is to get information. It's more like a scientific trip An Excursion is also made by a group of people but it's frequently used as a trip for pleasure.
James Cook did not make a trip to Venus. Space travel had not yet been accomplished in the 18th century. The Royal Geographic Society sponsored and financed Cook's first expedition to observe the transit of Venus in 1769. It was a scientific expedition.
An expedition is a trip taken with the goal of exploring.
An expedition would be a trip, journey, or travel.
journey, trip, expedition, passage
journey ... voyage ... trip
Journey or expedition.
They are traveling to explore or experience something in one form or another, a hunting trip to africa could be called an expedition, and a sight-seeing trip to china could also be called an expeditio
She had to carry her child on the trip
An expedition.