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Work in tobacco fields was done by either African Slaves or indentured servants.

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The work in tobacco fields was done by what two groups?

The work in tobacco fields were done by African slaves or indentured servants.

What was work in tobacco fields done by?

black people

Why were many slaves needed in tobacco plantations?

A typical tobacco plantation would use 100 slaves to work the fields. The south had over 2,320,000 slaves that was over 47 percent of its total population.

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Work in the fields of Ancient Egypt was mainly done by the peasant farmers. On the estates of the nobles and the temple the work was often done by slaves.

Slaves were first brought to North America to work producing?

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What economic factor led the expansion of slavery in British America?

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A messor was the village official responsible for the work done in the fields.

In terms of the scientific definition of work magnetic an electric fields can do work?

In the scientific definition of work, magnetic and electric fields can do work on charged particles that are moving through them. The work done is based on the force exerted by the field on the particle and the distance over which the particle is displaced.

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Work done in a conservative field?

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In terms of the scientific definition of work magnetic fields can do work but electric fields cannot true or false?

False. Both magnetic and electric fields can do work. Work is done on a charged particle when it moves through an electric field, causing a change in its energy. In a similar way, magnetic fields can exert forces on moving charged particles, leading to work being done on them.

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