The defeat of Turkey in the First World War and the division of its territories under the Treaty of Sevres (10 August 1920) among European powers caused apprehensions in India over the Khalifa's custodianship of the Holy places of Islam. Accordingly, the Khilafat Movement was launched in September 1919 as an orthodox communal movement to protect the Turkish Khalifa and save his empire from dismemberment by Great Britain and other European powers. The Ali brothers, Muhammad Ali and Shawkat Ali, Maulana abul kalam azad, Dr MA Ansari, and Hasrat Mohani initiated the Movement. Khilafat Conferences were organised in several cities in northern India. A Central Khilafat Committee, with provisions for provincial branches, was constituted at Bombay with Seth Chotani, a wealthy merchant, as its President, and Shawkat Ali as its Secretary. In 1920 the Ali Brothers produced the Khilafat Manifesto. The Central Khilafat Committee started a Fund to help the Nationalist Movement in Turkey and to organise the Khilafat Movement at home.
Khilafat or Khilafah is a system of governance ordained in Islam. This is because Islam does not merely lay down rules of personal hygiene and peity, it has a detailed system that covers economy, ruling, military and anything that a human being may come across in the course of his life.
The Prophet (saw) implemented all that was revealed to him by Allah irrespective of whether it peratined to matters of Salat, Ramadan or Economy, not only that, he was required to do so by Allah Himself, He says in Chapter al Maidah:
"And so judge (you O Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi WA sallam]) among them by what Allâh has revealed and follow not their vain desires, but beware of them lest they turn you (O Muhammad [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi WA sallam]) far away from some of that which Allâh has sent down to you." [Translation of the Meaning of Quran 05: 049]
Further, Allah (swt) described thoe who do not rule by what He ahs revealed as infidels (Kafirun), He says in al Maidah:
"And whosoever does not judge by what Allâh has revealed, such are the Kâfirûn." [Translation of the Meaning of Quran 05: 044]
The Prophet further said that if a person were to die without the oath of alligiance to the Khalifah,he dies the death of Jahilyyah.
In another hadeeth, the prophet said that if a Muslim leaves the Muslim Jama'at eben by as much as a span of hand, and dies, he does not remain a Muslim. Note that the Muslim Jama'at is not the one who may be the largest block of Muslims, (that will be Jamhoor), rather the Muslim Jama'at is one that has an Ameer who reules over them in accordance with Allah has revealed. This is the most authentic definition of Jama'at and is substantiated by a hadeeth narrated in Saheeh Muslim on the authority of Huzaifah bin al Yaman.
Now, since the Islamic laws were revealed to adminsiter society according to them, and the Prophet (saw) himself demostrated the practicality of the Islamic laws and required the Muslims to carry on, it becomes incumbent upon Muslims to establish the Khilafat so that the Islaimc laws are implemented as the light of Islam permeates the entire globe.
It is not the duty of Muslims to ensure that all human beings become Muslims, but rather the duty is to implement Islam so that every single human being is ruled by it. The Prophet (saw) himself said that Islam will enter every single house on the globe in two ways: One is that the people will accept Islam and become Muslims and two, they will remain non-Muslims but come under the authority of Islam.
Dear Brother,
The significance of the Khilafat Movement was due to many factors andf the eminent Muslim scholars of that period were aware of this significance, which is why despite their differences of Fiqhi issues, they joined forces with ulama from various backgrounds and carried out a concerted campaign to make the common Muslims aware of this issue. In fact one of their first resolution clearly called for boycotting those ulama who do not participate in the struggle to the Ottoman Khilafat.
First and foremost reason is that the entire set of Islamic laws were revealed by Allah in order to be implemented and applied throughout the Islamic state, Allah says in the Quran: "Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) that mankind may keep up justice. Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) that mankind may keep up justice. " [al Hadeed-57: 25]
The laws were revealed so that the Prophets, including the Prophet Muhammad (saw) rule over the people and run their affairs in accordance with those laws. This divine command was not lomited to the Prophets alone, it was meant to be carried out by the sucessive rulers who would succeed the Prophet (saw), he said: The people of Bani Israel were ruled by and their affairs were conducted by the Messengers, as for me, I am the last Messenger and the Khaleefahs will succeed me (as rulers and not as Prophets). The Prophet then commanded the Muslims to obey these Khaleefahs so long as they rule by Islam.
Thus Islam was sent down to rule people with it and the Khaleefahs were specifically designated to carry out this vital function.
The importance of this function is further enhanced by the fact that the Prophet (saw) warned those who die without having given allefiance to the Khaleefahs and said that such persons die the death of Jahilliyyah (of kufr). Furthermore, Allah (swt) defined those rulers who do not rule by Islam as kafir, He says: "And whosoever does not judge by what Allâh has revealed, such are the Kâfirûn "[al Maidah:44].
The institution of the Khilafat is the one that adminsters the provisions of Islam over people and thus ensures that the justice of Islam prevails.
The scholars were fully aware of these and hence when they saw this institution falling apart towards the end of the WWI, they stood up with all their energies to defend it. This movement was so strong that the nationalist forces opposed to the British rule over Indio realised its importance and exploited it to unify the Indians and this ultimately resulted in the ouster of the British colnialists from the sub-continent.
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khilafat movement is the movement which was passed by gandhiji khilafat movement is the movement which was passed by gandhiji
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Khilafat Movement (1919-1924) was a significant Islamic movement in India during the British rule. This was an attempt by the Indian Muslim community to unite together in support of the Turkish Empire ruled by the Khalifa, which was attacked by European powers. The Muslims considered the Khalifa as the custodian of Islam. They simply could not digest his dethronement. Under the leadership of prominent Muslim leaders, notable one being Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, they launched the Khilafat Movement in most parts of North India. The Khilafat Movement, aimed against the British government, received the support of Mahatma Gandhi, who related hisNon Cooperation Movement with it. The main objective behind this move was to enlist the support of the Muslim community into his movement, which addressed the issue of 'Swaraj' (Self-Government). By mid-1920 the Khilafat leaders assured full support to the non-violent methods of Gandhi, which facilitated the establishment of a united front of Hindus and Muslims against the British government. This combined force formed a major threat to the British rule. The Khilafat Movement however did not last long. Owing to some violent incidents in the country which resulted in the deaths of many Indian and British people, Mahatma Gandhi called off his Non Cooperation Movement. This was a major jolt to the Khilafat Movement. The movement received its final blow in March 1924, when the original Khilafat movement in Turkey was abolished following the Islamic country's conversion from a Sultanate empire to a Republic BY OSAMA TANVEER
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