Is sworn in at his/her inauguration on January 20th, following his/her election by the Electoral College the previous month, and only after he/she has met the requirements, which are...
1. at least 35 years old
2. a natural-born citizen (not native-born)
3. a US resident for at least 14 years
A person becomes a President of A country when people selected or voted for them to be President or if in a country that is not democratic the military has to pick one to be the President
The vice-president becomes President if the president can not function.
The Speaker of the house becomes president
The Vice President
If the President can not complete his term, the vice-president becomes President. If the vice-president can not complete his term, the president nominates a new vice-president who must be confirmed by both houses of Congress in order to take office. If two were both suddenly killed, the Speaker of the House would become President.
Depending on the country, the person who becomes the president is:The person who wins a presidential election.The person who is the leader of the party who has the most elected members.The person who seizes power in a coup or revolution.The vice president or other position when the previous president dies.
Depending on the country, the person who becomes the president is:The person who wins a presidential election.The person who is the leader of the party who has the most elected members.The person who seizes power in a coup or revolution.The vice president or other position when the previous president dies.
The vice president becomes president and everybody underneath bumps up a notch.... i think they wrok with one less person or somthing.
Yes, in a sense that person does become a defacto president.
Easy. One person will win. That person becomes President of the United States.
The speaker of the house of representative becomes president.
A person becomes a President of A country when people selected or voted for them to be President or if in a country that is not democratic the military has to pick one to be the President
An incoming president of the United States becomes President at 12 noon on January 20 next following the election in November.
Then the vice president-elect becomes president.
The vice-president becomes President if the president can not function.
The vice president would become the acting president.
The Presidency goes to the Vice President. If the VP dies, Presidency passes to the Speaker of the House.