The Preamble of the Constitution claims that government's power originates from its people. It also claims that only the people grant this power, and nothing else.
"We the people"
Founding Fathers believed political parties were the primary source of conflict in a society. They viewed them as factions dangerous to the public interest. Their ideology called for the subordination of marginal interests in favor of the general welfare of the people.
The Preamble does nothing. The Articles of the Constitution set up the framework of the US government and its relations to the states and they are the supreme law of the land as amended from time to time. The Preamble has no such effect, because it is merely an introductory paragraph. At best it can be looked to as a source of guidance in interpreting the Articles of the Constitution, but that is it.
Religious differences in society, i think
"We the people"
The people
Catholics and Protestants
a river riverhead - the source or spring of a river riverbed - the channel in which a river flows or formerly flowed
1. A preliminary statement, especially the introduction to a formal document that serves to explain its purpose. Source:
the American political tradition of association
What is the main source of political power in india?
The significance of the Preamble lies in its components. It embodies the source of the Constitution i.e., the people of India. The terms sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic, republic in the Preamble suggests the nature of the state. The ideals of justice, liberty, equality, fraternity reflects the objectives of the Constitution. It also contains November 26, 1949 as the date of adoption of the Indian Constitution. The philosophy of the Indian Constitution is reflected in the Preamble.
The best source for politics depends on the political party and the country they are from. Most political parties have a website or a blog devoted specifically to them.
When a business transaction occurs then documents is called source document. Examples of source documents are: 1. cash receipt 2. cancelled check 3. Invoice sent or received 4. Employee Time sheet
The chief source of political power in India is the people. India is a Democratic Republic and this means that the ultimate power lies with the people.
Stasiology is the analytical study of political parties. Source: Political Parties, Maurice Duverger (1964)