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Q: All Roman citizens belonged to this government body?
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Who belonged to the Roman Assembly?

The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.The Roman assemblies were made up of citizens and determined by their tribe and/or their wealth.

What were the parts of Romes republican government?

Rome's republican government was made up of the Senate and the Roman People. SPQR. The magistrates did the actual governing, but they were elected by the Roman citizens. The senate itself, was a consulting body, that would discuss proposals for laws and sometimes hold trials.

Do which body of greek government included all citizens who came to vote?

The court body of the Greek goverment included all the citizens to show up.

What are the different roles of citizens and non citizens in the roman empire?

They ate only there poo and drank there pee and liked each others body's

What body of the roman government protected the rights of the plebeians?

There was no body of the Roman government that protected the rights of the plebeians as such. The rights of the plebeians were protected by tribunes, who were elected officials and members of the senate.There was no body of the Roman government that protected the rights of the plebeians as such. The rights of the plebeians were protected by tribunes, who were elected officials and members of the senate.There was no body of the Roman government that protected the rights of the plebeians as such. The rights of the plebeians were protected by tribunes, who were elected officials and members of the senate.There was no body of the Roman government that protected the rights of the plebeians as such. The rights of the plebeians were protected by tribunes, who were elected officials and members of the senate.There was no body of the Roman government that protected the rights of the plebeians as such. The rights of the plebeians were protected by tribunes, who were elected officials and members of the senate.There was no body of the Roman government that protected the rights of the plebeians as such. The rights of the plebeians were protected by tribunes, who were elected officials and members of the senate.There was no body of the Roman government that protected the rights of the plebeians as such. The rights of the plebeians were protected by tribunes, who were elected officials and members of the senate.There was no body of the Roman government that protected the rights of the plebeians as such. The rights of the plebeians were protected by tribunes, who were elected officials and members of the senate.There was no body of the Roman government that protected the rights of the plebeians as such. The rights of the plebeians were protected by tribunes, who were elected officials and members of the senate.

Where do plebeians live?

The plebs were the general body of free landowning Roman citizens in Ancient Rome.

How does Jefferson describe the government of the Roman Republic?

Jefferson describes the government of roman republic by convincing himself that the human soul as well as body is mortal

Comparing and contrasting describe the aspect of the us government that are modeled on the roman republican government?

A legislative body composed of elected representatives. Even the name of the Senate is from the Roman government.

What characteristics of government does the US have in common with the Roman Republic?

A replublic is a form of Government in which power rest with the citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders. The Roman Republic provided a model for the U.S. government. In what way does the U.S. government differ from the Roman Republic?

What was the name of the governing body where Roman representatives would meet regarding government business?

It is the Vatican

Which roman government body had ton be in agreement before any law could be passed?

The roman government body had to be in agreement before any law could be passed was the consul. A consul served in the highest elected political office of the Roman Republic, and the consulship was considered the highest level of the cursus honorum.

Which group of people originally had the right to participate in the roman an government?

During the period of the Roman monarchy the king was in charge and the senate was his advisory body. It is not known whether the right to seat in the senate was restricted. During the early Roman republic the patricians (the aristocracy monopolised political power by monopolising the seats of the senate and the consulship in the period of . The consuls were the two annually elected heads of the Republic.