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Pasquale Wisozk

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Q: American citizens do not have the extensive rights or freedoms that many citizens of other countries enjoy.?
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What was Mikhail Gorbachevs role in ending the cold war?

He offered citizens more personal freedoms, resulting in widespread protests that weakened communist countries.

Which explains why the bill of rights was added to the US constitution?

To guarantee certain freedoms for American citizens.

What explains why the Bill of Rights added to the US Constitution?

To guarantee certain freedoms for American citizens.

Which of the following explains why the bill of rights was added to the united States Constitution?

to guarantee certain freedoms for American citizens.

Which option explains why the Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution?

(Apex) To guarantee certain freedoms for American citizens.

If corporations are owned by world citizens and corporations have more power than American citizens who is free in America?

==One Answer== You would gain a more accurate answer if you were to instead compare the "freedoms" enjoyed by the citizens of other countries such as North Korea, Burma, China, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Equitorial Guinea, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Swaziland, Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Somolia, etc., to the "freedoms" enjoyed by American citizens. Regardless of who owns corporations, Americans enjoy an extraordinary degree of being "free" compared to most other countries. Reminder: Corporations all over the world are owned by "world citizens" and corporate power does not necessarily neutralize civil freedom.

Which document addresses the freedoms and liberties that all American citizens should share equally?

declaration of independence

What sources of American citizenship did the Fourteenth Amendment establish?

The Amendment was added as part of the Reconstruction Amendments. The citizenship clause provided African American's the rights and freedoms of citizens.

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Why did the Philippines become independent?

The Phillipines became independant for the same reasons the US and several other countries are independant, to try and give citizens their freedoms.

What amendment contains the five basic freedoms associated with the American way of life and all that most hold dear as US citizens?

The First Amendment contains the five basic freedoms associated with the American way of life and all that most hold dear as a US citizen.